New User
Sunday I did my first hunt on my horse. It was eventful to say the least, my horse was generally rude and stupid, he is normally a very laid back horse, but completely changed when he heard the hounds. He reversed out infront of a car when we were waiting to enter a field, then when we came to the first jump he reversed under some hawthorn trees and almost got me off, I had to appologise while he tanked off over the first wall, and he tried to jump the full wall which was about a meter rather than the part where some stones were remoevd, as a result he stumbled and I fell. He then proceeded to gallop down the field and my friend who was following on foot and the other stewards closed the six bar gate to the road and tried to wave him down instead they had to jump out of his way and he went and jumped the gate to the road but was thankfully caught. After that he was a battle the whole way through, if I let him gallop I had a huge struggle to get him back, he never once walked and hated being at the back, he settled slightly towards the end of the hunt but he did begin to lash out at other horses something he never ever does. I was riding him in a dutch gag with rounds on the second rein. How do I put manners on him so he behaves at the next hunt, I am aware that horses do get wound up and excited but the he was completely and utterly rude naughty and stupid where he doesnt even care about his own safety, everywhere else he is a very careful horse but I am at a loss as to what to do, any advice would be grately appreciated I am new to the whole hunting scene.