Advice on a potential bolter please!


6 December 2011
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Hi all,
Firstly I'm new to this forum so apologies if this subject has been covered (I haven't looked through all the old threads).
I have a 9 year old ex P2P, who I've had for about 5 months. He's now getting really fit but he's also starting to get a bit flighty.
He bolted twice when we were out on our own but this was our first hack alone in about 6 weeks and he's been fine alone ever since. I've also changed his bit from a snaffle to a baucher which he seems happier in.
However, yesterday I went out in a group and we had a canter and he was really on his toes, then another girl couldn't stop so he went into 'race mode' and just took off, although I was able to bring him back quite quickly.

Being an ex-racer I'm interested in the physchology of it, ie. if cantering in a group would you go lead or at the back?
When he takes off is it better to make him keep running (where safe) when he wants to stop, or should I give him a good old 'sock in the gob' as a friend said, for being rude?
Also, at what point (if ever) do I put him in a gag?

I should add that he's never taken off in blind terror and although I have no brakes I still have steering. I really think that we can get past this as he's generally a really calm horse, I think that he's just reverting to type on occasion.
Any suggestions and advice appreciated, thanks.:eek:


Well-Known Member
5 December 2010
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With my exracer once im out in the field he does get excited with othe rhorses but it generally controllable if i revert to how the jockeys ride. that is, not pulling him in the mouth to stop (your friends advice is rubbish about socking him in gob).

when i first got mine i found riding with a neckstop great. when i wanted him to slow, i'd stand in the stirrups and lean back slightly, and gently pull on the neckstrap and he would slow no problem. Now i can just release the contact and slow down.


Well-Known Member
12 March 2010
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I'm not really experienced with ex racers but remember being told that when they go out they go in a particular order (ie fillies at the back, colts at the front - or something....) not much help but someone may be able to give a bit more info.


Well-Known Member
3 May 2007
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It sounds like you have further work to do on his reschooling. I would spend a lot of time working quietly and in a controlled manner and not canter out with a group for a while. When you do, I would just go with one or two people who can control their horses and keep it very steady. Don't forget he's only doing what he's been taught to do and needs to learn how to behave all over again.


6 December 2011
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Thankyou, you're right I have a long way to go yet with his reschooling. I will have to be careful when hacking about the situations I put him. I'm actually hoping to do some endurance next year but I think we've got a long way to go before we're ready for that situation!