Advice Please. Horse hates Rugs!!!


Well-Known Member
1 June 2006
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I posted earlier this week, but no one came up with any suggestions so thought I would try again and see if there are any new readers tonight as I really am at my wits end!!!

Any ideas how to keep a rug on a horse who just keeps on ripping them off!!?? In all my years have never had a horse that really didnt get over this, but my sisters 6 year old stallion can not help himself but to tear off anything you put on him as soon as your back is turned!!! We have tried Nobite and all sorts of nasty tasing things

We tried a half muzzle thing which worked for record time of 2 hours!!! We were all very hopeful only to come out this evening to see shreds of rug outside his door!!!

Have now run out of tatty old rugs for him to attack and have no idea what to try next. I would like to let the bugger get cold, but he is in serious work and will no doubt get clipped soon as he will compete all winter.

He lives in and we have only had him since July so had not noticed this problem untill now, we imported him from hungary and have emailed his old owners to see how they coped, but the language barrier is a bit tricky and we aont get a reply for a few weeks untill their english speaking friend goes to visit!!

So what do you think, Im all for taping his mouth shut with Gaffa tape!! (only joking) But we do need a solution as he is presently destroying a rug a day!!!!


Well-Known Member
24 July 2005
Wisconsin, US
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Leave it off???!
I have read many articles questioning the use of rugs at all. I am not sure what type of horse you have, or how the weather is where you live, but in many cases they do not noeed a rug AT ALL. An artice I read in HORSE ILLUSTRATED magazine last year stated that in severe cold a rug weighs down a horses natural fluff allowing heat loss. Horses un rugged had the snow on their back stay there while the rugged horses snow melted (proving the heat escape) If you clip then, of course do it, but if you can avoid clipping and the horse dislikes it I would forget it. (keeping breed and weather in mind)


Well-Known Member
4 May 2006
South Hants
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Have to agree with Jade, if he hates them that much there is not too much you can do
I agree if he needs clipping then you have a problem! How about trying a natural horsemanship type technique It seems to work on most problems ? Depends on WHY he doesn't like being rugged?


Well-Known Member
1 June 2006
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He is a 6yr old Holstein, the problem is he feels cold, and its only going to get colder, so I whilst Im not overly bothered now, a few months down the line its not going to be so nice!! He will have to be clipped as he sweats a lot when he is worked so he'll get a chill at some point and as I said he will be out and about jumping all winter and will be staying away, whilst our stables are nice and warm, most stables at show venues are cold and drafty.


Well-Known Member
4 May 2006
South Hants
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Just re read that you imported him from Hungary, surley if he feels the cold here he must of worn a rug as I would imagine Hungarian winters are colder than ours
Shame the English interpreter isnt about


Well-Known Member
27 May 2004
West Country
Only thing I can suggest is a neck cradle, but that is only a very short term solution. I wouldn't advise putting one on him permanently.

What about a really old heavy canvas NZ rug with leg straps? They are very hard wearing and don't rip too easily?


Well-Known Member
1 June 2006
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Funny you say to try the old rugs, I have just dug out a really old jute rug, you are right they are tougher, and I am also going to paint it in nasty tasting stuff!!!


Well-Known Member
21 March 2005
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He is probably simply uncomfortable, due to feeling too hot or something! Do the rugs fit him perfectly? (I am really fussy about fit on our lot & seldom have any problems!)

If you think he really needs a rug, try putting him in a very l/w one (little more than a cooler / summer sheet) - if that stays on, it's pretty certain that the general rug-removing is down to him just being too darned hot!

He's a young, fit stallion, not even clipped at the mo, so there is no reason why he would necessarily need a rug on tbh!
Bossanova's lovely chap won't wear rugs at all I believe (has a 'rug phobia' I think) but events etc. at a high level & manages perfectly well without!


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6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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Bossy is OK in the stable (makes a face and looks peed off when you approach with the rug) but he doesnt wear them out unfortunately (he is dark brown again now
) I am going to keep him unclipped for as long as I can and then just try and take the minimum off IF I have to clip - he is perfectly happy out - it was raining the other day and as soon as the horses saw me walking down to the gates ALL of the rugged ones came over and stood to be brought in - their rugs were wet and they looked miserable - Boss however was happily grazing and made me walk p to get him and guess what, his coat was as dry as a bone, his hair had fluffed up nicely and his ears were toasty warm - see if you leave them to their own devices they are rather good at keeping themselves warm!

Anyway - back to the point - the OP says that the horse is kept in so could be boredom (I keep horses in, not going to say anything about you doing it!) I would pt on the softest and lightest stable sheet and go from there as was sggested above