advice please


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24 February 2011
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hi sorry this is a long story but would really like peoples help or ideas

my mom has a long hair cat who is allergic to dried food he is 16 years old he has a collar saying do not feed,and a tag on his collar saying that he is allergic to any dried food,well he came home one night about 2 weeks ago itching like mad,mom recognises that some one has feed him straight up the vets,clipped his coat off so they could treat him he is red raw around his back legs and is neck,so skin clears up new collar and tag on nice short coat and he comes in tonight same syptoms another trip to the vets,turns out that a lady over the road is feeding him with her cat because he is a stray. No he is not he has a collar on but she said she took it off because cats are free spirits,how the hell does she stop this women feeding the cat I have told her the next vet bill give it to her what would you do any ideas


Well-Known Member
17 September 2007
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Not alot you can do apart from keeping your cat could try talking to the cat feeder about why he's wearing a tag but if she's seen it and fed him anyway then it probably won't make any difference.


Well-Known Member
2 May 2007
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I would go over the road and tell the lady in no uncertain terms that her feeding your cat has caused him pain and distress...not to mention worry and upset for your Mum and yourself, and that any more interfering with your cat will result in vets bills for her, in fact, take your vets bill to her and let her see it. Make her feel guilty and play the 'if you really are a cat lover...' card.

I would be absolutely livid. She is obviously a bit cookie, but she needs to be told straight.