Advice regarding replacement back protector and hat


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6 June 2015
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I recently suffered a fall while jumping, landed on my back and neck. I sustained concussion and was unconscious for 15 seconds, went to A & E to be checked out and I am recovered. I have done some research and the guidance available on-line about replacing hats is consistent; I have identified the type I intended to purchase.

However, the information available about back protectors is not so clear. Beta's information leaflet implies that if the protector is dented then it won't provide the same level of protection in that area...and a commonsense approach would suggest it should be replaced. It also says to check it within 30 minutes of the impact because in this time the foam will reform into the original shape, but I could not do this due to being unconscious. On this basis, I went to a local saddlery shop and was advised following a visual inspection that because mine does not have a dent in, that it would be just as safe to use again.This advise does not seem to tally with that of Beta, BHS and was the first time I had heard this.

Has anyone encountered a similar situation and what did you do etc? all comments welcome. Thank you,


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17 August 2008
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Its a really vexed one this and something quite new to the horse world. Standard advice has always been to replace your hat after a fall - or even a hard knock - as hats rely on foam filled with tiny bubbles as s shock absorber and those bubbles break reducing protection.

Until recently it has not been the same advice for the BP unless the padding is physically deformed. However the recent death of a young eventer following failure of the BP (not to say that a new BP would have saved him in that instance only that the enquiry found his BP to be sub standard.) there has been debate as to whether BPs too should be replaced following a serious fall.

As I understand it although BPs do rely to an extent on air bubbles which will burst on impact the majority of their protection stems from physical padding to diffuse the force of a fall over a larger area. On that basis unless there is a physical deformity you should be OK to continue to use the same BP.

It probably depends on the height you jump, how often you jump, and how you feel. If you would feel more confident with a new BP get one - or think about investing in an airjacket. Or both! If you are eventing, hunting or going cross country I would tend to err on the side of caution and replace it. If you are jumping on a surface in a school I would tend not to.


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11 May 2015
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I would replace it to be safe. You never know what damage might be hidden, and you only get one spine, best not to damage it beyond repair.

Exploding Chestnuts

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22 June 2013
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I think you should take up another hobby, one where you don't take risks, as you don't seem able to cope with life in the fast lane. Even needlework can be risky but you will not need any safety equipment.
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New User
6 June 2015
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I think you should take up another hobby, one where you don't take risks, as you don't seem able to cope with life in the fast lane. Even needlework can be risky but you will not need any safety equipment.

I don't think there was any need to be so rude.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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Ouch! There is never anything wrong in using available safety equipment or in making sure it continues to be safe. The question was a reasonable one OP. Life has enough risks (even needlework!) without being reckless.

You say the manufacturer no longer makes equestrian BPs? That suggests your BP might not be a newer make / model? That would lend weight to the idea to replace it if you can. For your own confidence / peace of mind if nothing else. The "official" advice over BP's is not as consistent as that on hats. I wonder if there might be a level of concern over the cost implications where they to recommend you replace a BP as well as hat after every fall.

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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I don't think there was any need to be so rude.

I am not being rude, sports are not for you.
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,What the hell: .......... you and your like expect me and my like to pay for your whinging and unreasonabe demands ......................., pixel off
Do you see the difference? I am now being rude , :D


Well-Known Member
17 June 2015
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If in doubt, chuck it out!! You'll be worrying about it if you don't replace it from the sounds of things so I would go ahead and replace it. And if it was me, I would be worrying about it too! :)