Active Member
I'm posting this on behalf of a friend of mine as she is rather upset about the situation...
She has had a horse on full loan for 6 years now. In these 6 years the 'owner' of the horse has come to see the horse maybe 3/4 times, no phone calls about how he is, didnt ask about him depsite friend and 'owner' being quite good friends. Before my friend had taken this horse on loan he had been on loan to another home so all in all the 'owner' has not had the horse for maybe 8/9 years.
About 4 months ago friend said that she was going to see about buying him or having him signed over to her. I think this came about after the 'owner' said that if friend gave the horse back she would have to have him put down. Around the same time 'owner' was pregnant, she has several horses and asked friend to take another of the horses on part loan (£300 a month, 3 days per week, plus had to do all chores etc on those days, no competing, only able to school at home) which friend was considering as seemed to be good oppurtunity to ride higher level dressage horse and she even tried to get a sharer in to help with first loan horse to help with the money side of things. Anyway, it didnt all come together, friend decided that loan horse was more than enough for what she wants to do, and from what I can see the 'owner' has now got the right hump because friend didnt take this second horse and now she has approached her about buying the loan horse the 'owner' is being very difficult.
'Owner' is very much a dressage rider, and doesnt like jumping and in the last 6 months friend has moved yards with the horse, has a new support system, and has started jumping (this was run by the owner first which she ok'd. Not big, maybe 2ft-2ft3 course, once a week, but both her and the horse LOVE what they are doing)
ANYWAY - friend approached 'owner', appears that it is actually her father who owns the horse. Father is happy for horse to be signed over to good home for life where he is loved etc... father is currently out of the country for a few weeks. Since father has been out of the country the 'owner' has been bombarding friend with phone calls and texts saying that she needs to look around and find out how much horses like him are going for and then they will go from there. Then threw into the equation 'oh, and he has DJD in his hocks and arthritis' which has never been mentioned in the previous 6 years.
Horse is 17 yrs old, has never been schooled to a high level - will go out and do prelim dressage, jump a 2ft6 course, safe to hack, usual 'riding club' type. Has had navicular 4/5 yrs ago which was quite bad but which he is now not on any meds for. Horse also had colic several years ago and friend paid the £500 that insurance did not cover and the father had said at that point that would cover it if friend wanted to purchase horse.
I am so sorry for the long story but thought bit of background may be useful - I know my opinion on what I would be doing but would be grateful for any other opinions/anyone else been in similar situation.....
She has had a horse on full loan for 6 years now. In these 6 years the 'owner' of the horse has come to see the horse maybe 3/4 times, no phone calls about how he is, didnt ask about him depsite friend and 'owner' being quite good friends. Before my friend had taken this horse on loan he had been on loan to another home so all in all the 'owner' has not had the horse for maybe 8/9 years.
About 4 months ago friend said that she was going to see about buying him or having him signed over to her. I think this came about after the 'owner' said that if friend gave the horse back she would have to have him put down. Around the same time 'owner' was pregnant, she has several horses and asked friend to take another of the horses on part loan (£300 a month, 3 days per week, plus had to do all chores etc on those days, no competing, only able to school at home) which friend was considering as seemed to be good oppurtunity to ride higher level dressage horse and she even tried to get a sharer in to help with first loan horse to help with the money side of things. Anyway, it didnt all come together, friend decided that loan horse was more than enough for what she wants to do, and from what I can see the 'owner' has now got the right hump because friend didnt take this second horse and now she has approached her about buying the loan horse the 'owner' is being very difficult.
'Owner' is very much a dressage rider, and doesnt like jumping and in the last 6 months friend has moved yards with the horse, has a new support system, and has started jumping (this was run by the owner first which she ok'd. Not big, maybe 2ft-2ft3 course, once a week, but both her and the horse LOVE what they are doing)
ANYWAY - friend approached 'owner', appears that it is actually her father who owns the horse. Father is happy for horse to be signed over to good home for life where he is loved etc... father is currently out of the country for a few weeks. Since father has been out of the country the 'owner' has been bombarding friend with phone calls and texts saying that she needs to look around and find out how much horses like him are going for and then they will go from there. Then threw into the equation 'oh, and he has DJD in his hocks and arthritis' which has never been mentioned in the previous 6 years.
Horse is 17 yrs old, has never been schooled to a high level - will go out and do prelim dressage, jump a 2ft6 course, safe to hack, usual 'riding club' type. Has had navicular 4/5 yrs ago which was quite bad but which he is now not on any meds for. Horse also had colic several years ago and friend paid the £500 that insurance did not cover and the father had said at that point that would cover it if friend wanted to purchase horse.
I am so sorry for the long story but thought bit of background may be useful - I know my opinion on what I would be doing but would be grateful for any other opinions/anyone else been in similar situation.....