We have a small one which is absolutely invaluable. Its about 8mx15m so they cant really loon around. we used hard standing, then membrane then the sand.
Great thanks... we are thinking of having a contractor put a new base down for the AWT, then put the old surface from our existing menage (crappy S/sand and rubber) down for a turnout area. Just worried about it becoming ruined with droppings and turning into a eyesore by the end of the winter....
If theres enough surface on it you'll be fine. Definitely skip it out as often as poss and weed it- once grass starts poking through they do look horrid but ours manages to stay relatively smart. We also rake ours to keep it fairly level.
I have a 20 x 20m awt. I also used the crappy soft sand and rubber from arena, its great, I have to level it a fair bit, and always remove the droppings, think it looks untidy! But its a godsend with the recent wet weather!