Allergies or just a cold?


Well-Known Member
1 June 2004
Sale, Cheshire
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I have had my two year old for 6 months now and have realised that she seems to always be suffering from some type of cold and cough.

I am now thinking that maybe she has some sort of allergic reaction to something either feed, bedding or grass? ( I only started to think of this as I know that I get bunged up with a cold like symptoms when my hay fever is starting in about February each year !)

She was cold symptom free when I brought her home and she also had a full mane. Over the course of about 6 weeks of owning her she started coughing and then was snotting everywhere (she was also malnourished when purchased). This took around 6 weeks to clear. She had what I thought was an allergic reaction to something in the field around 6/8 weeks of ownership - she broke out into hives all over her body.

Me being me thought that maybe this was sweet itch so I bought her a boet. This seemed to address the hive situation and gradually over the course of the following three months she lost her main from itching and her tail resembled one that had been pulled for the show ring. She was on and off with colds throughout summer.

The vet came out to administer her jabs and I mentioned that she had suffered from numerous "colds" since purchase. They didn't seem concerned and said its properly just that colds. They said its possible she does have sweet itch though from looking at her and that I should cover her in her boet etc and the fly spray that isn't a fly spray (the one you get from the vets) and have to dilute.

So, I had a bad batch of hay that was extremely dusty about 2 months ago and this set her off again coughing and snotting quite badly (I was soaking the hay due to the dust). I only fed it for about 5 days at the most before being able to get it replaced (on a livery yard where hay is provided).

I have changed her bedding from straw to shavings approx. 6 weeks ago but notice again the past few days coughing and snotting again :-((

Anyone any ideas? Shes fed fast fibre, Thunderbrooks chop, linseed and peagus nuts (sprinkling) - and when I say fed I am not taking large amounts.......

At my wits end as to why shes always ill?


Well-Known Member
11 May 2010
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What about worming? We had a yearling that had persistant snotty nose and cough after introduction to another yearling in his field-long story short-we treated for cold and chest symtoms with no result- then 5 day panacur and rigid worming program and it disappeared and good condition was regained. Certain worms can cause coughing and snottiness-ie cold-like symptoms if present in high numbers.