Allergy to midge bites - help!


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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Right, I've posted about this before, but would welcome any new ideas.

My just turned 4yr old is allergic to midge bites (one of the culicoides beasties but don't ask me which one!) and I need some suggestions in managing the condition.
When bitten, she comes up in urticarial weals mainly under her neck, all across her belly, on her legs above knee and hock, and on her head. Her skin is usually not broken, but a few of the weals weep serum, and develop a crusty scab.
Your ideas, no matter how obvious or weird will be welcome.


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21 January 2009
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Linseed - helps keep skin oily and one school of thought is it helps repel midges (not proven). It is high in omega 3, which is anti inflammatory.

Try to prevent bites. Keep in at dawn/dusk.
Use a rug or even a bed sheet. I used a sheet once on a really bad livery that would have shredded a rug. I got through several sheets and you have to do some diy sewing, etc but it works. Use thick barrier cream on midline. Nettex itch stop is best, it stays on and is thick.

Definately dont turn out near woods/water. If you can turnout in a windy/exposed field. Midges are not strong flyers so cant fly in the wind. Nor do they fly in bright sunlight.

Brewers yeast may help, it is thought the B vitamins repel midges as they dont like the taste! Dont feed garlic, that stimulates the immune system even more. If you want to try sulphur use MSM, although that is much more expensive.


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31 March 2004
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Ive had 2 so far that have had to have cortisone IM urgently. I will try and post some photos when I get the time. Im buying myself a couple of litres of Neem Oil and will be dowsing them in it, TBH, dont know if it will work but its worth a try
. How is my friend Andrea? Is he competing at the mo? Em.x


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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Thanks, Teddyt
She lives out 24/7, and is in a Sweet Itch hoody, but gets bitten underneath it (if you follow), and the urticaria seems to develop upwards.
I am thinking of getting her a Snuggy Sweet Itch rug or a Boett, with legs, to try to reduce bites.
I'm using Itchstop, and the spray too, but it seems to wear off.

Unfortunately, her field is next to a muck heap, and the yard owner only shifts it once a year.



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7 September 2006
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As the owner of a cob with severe sweet itch I can recommend this fly recipe(Thereas_F's) which seems to do the job of keeping the blighters at bay AND is long lasting and as a bonus you have a sweet smelling and clean horse..

Apart from that a well fitting SI rug such as a Boett or Snuggyhoods (although I found the snuggyhoods a bit too thick and snug for my cob...he sweltered in it).
Net Tex do an advanced formula of their fly spray with claims to last 72 hrs but I haven't tried it.
My friend swears by Spot on for cattle although its not licenced for horses.
Is there any way you can change fields as location is probably the biggest difference you can make. I was on the verge of having my boy PTS until I moved here and put him in an exposed field well away from a muck heap or water source..


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1 October 2005
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Try this
Fly Repellant Mix
15ml Citronella
2 Tbs Meths
1 Tbs Dishwashing Liquid
4 Tbs Vinegar
250ml strong Black tea
Add to 2 ltrs Water
Store in a Spray bottle

Spray all over and wipe on face with a cloth.

When you find the bites, rub in vinegar - seems to neutralise the bites. Works well on humans too I keep a plastic pot with cotton wool balls in it soaked in vineger in my grooming kit.

Where do these midges breed? If in water then add goldfish to your water troughs as they will eat developing larvae.


Patting her thylacine
26 March 2007
Daemon from Hades
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HP, Tnavas, PF
Spot on - I have ordered the equine equivalent which is called 'Switch' through my vets - due in a week or two (I used it years ago for my Tb when she was bitten).
Boett/Snuggyhoods - the latter looks a better shape, but I spoke to the SI helpline folkies today (to try the vaccine) and they were most helpful so I am undecided.
There's no way I can move fields, unfortunately; and it has woods along one edge, a damp bit at the bottom, and a muckheap at the top.
I did wonder if I could cover the muckheap with a tarp or something, but not sure.

I am already using a combination of fly sprays, and am a bit worried about trying new things on her in case her sensitivity extends to them at the moment, although Theresa_F's one looks nice (I love the smell of bog myrtle, takes me back).
I'm going to try the 'vaccine' (well, reagent) on her, too.


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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I've heard that baby oil spread over ned's body helps reduce fly bites, so might work against midges as well? I think it was a suggestion from Australia.

Will the muck heap owner let you cover the majorty of it in black plastic? It would keep down the midges/flies.

Have ned in at dawn and dusk if you can.


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2 January 2008
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I have exactly the same problem with my sensitive 2 year old WB filly. She's turned out in a Rambo Sweetitch Hoody with the waterproof liner underneath (the new under liner they have just brought out), but still gets bitten around her teats and under belly. I've tried numerous things but the best has been Udder Cream with Iodine. Sure mine is made by Nettex and I found it at Mole Avon. It is reddish in colour and quite greasy (but not as thick as, say petroleum jelly). I plaster this on my filly's underbelly and the insides of her legs, anywhere the midges bite, and have found it more effective than the midge repellents which tend not to last for more than a few hours at best. It's not as disgusting as it sounds, and she does not look goopy. Mine's a bright bay, so the colour of the cream kind of blends in


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30 December 2006
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I add Apple Cider vinegar to my SI mare's feed. I think it makes a difference. She also has a small glug of linseed oil added. SI is definitely better this year than last, and a lovely shiny coat. She gets brewers yeast through the feed balancer, bailey's lo-cal.

there is also a theory that dabbing vinegar on itchy skin can soothe the itching. I might try that on her too. She wears a Boett, I'm seeing what else I can do to improve things for her by what I feed her now.


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27 September 2005
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One of mine wears a DeMeulenkamp SI rug which is really good. I also put fly spray on the rug, especially the leg straps, back edge of the belly cover & top of the neck. Any area not covered by the rug is plastered in cream repellents, I tend to swap between Nettex Stop Itch & Furlongs Protection Plus cream.


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7 April 2008
North Wales
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I'm with Mairi with the neem.

Only itching I've had this year is a bit on his face around his eyes.

Been feeding Neem leaf and putting neem oil onto his mane and tail. It smells foul but no flys seem to come near us when we are out riding and they used to swarm on us last year.

also made my own fly spray using neem oil, bog Myrtle plus a few other essential oils to keep just about every flying insect away.

I became completely paranoid last year that the amount of chemicals I was putting on him could be making things worse.


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7 May 2009
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I have this problem with my TB. It was particularly harsh last year. I found her with hundreds of different sized lumps all over her, some oozing allot of serum.

The vet gave her some penicillin to calm the condition. He also suggested 4 tabs of piriton (or alternative anti histamine) in her feed.

I also used Global Herbs flyfree which is a curry smelling powder that works internally - there are no nasties in it either which is a plus. It will depend on how fussy your youngster is.

The ‘oil-ier’ the skin the more likely it will stop midges landing and feeding although this might not be entirely practical. Other than that – Rambo fly buster rug might help.


Well-Known Member
13 June 2008
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switch is good stuff keep going with your rug try adding apple cider vinger to her feed get a good fly spray something like coopers keep in dusk and dawn groom less to keep her natural oils in !