An update on Andy and some tips for time management please


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12 July 2010
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Haven't been on here for a while and thought I'd update you all on the life of Andy for those interested.

He's kept his weight well so far this year which is brilliant (for those who don't know he lost tonnes of weight last year.) He's just been really good lately especially as he has a new friend in the field which has put him in a fab mood.

I took him competing for the first time in ages (as I've been ill but feeling better now) and was very pleased with him to come 4th but we were first from a section so we got a beautiful rosette and I was very chuffed with how he went considering he hasn't been out in a few months.

A picture to show his current weight:

And him with his rosette at the show:

Please excuse the size of his noseband, he has the most awkward head to fit a bridle for. :p

As for time management could do with some tips, I've been riding Andy before college then after college will either revise or see my boyfriend/ go out with friends (no more than twice a week) at weekends we compete on one day and the other we hack and then I revise for the rest of the time.

I have been really struggling to fit everything in and today it just hit me how tried this is making me (almost snoozed off at the traffic lights. :eek: ) it would probably be useful to look for a sharer but my mum isn't keen as she sees this as the stepping stone to giving up and would rather just sell Andy (which I would never do.)

So any tips for time management would be much appreciated. :)


Well-Known Member
7 March 2011
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He's looking lovely :) I love his face in the pic with the rossette, he looks so innocent and cute :) As to time management, how about, get your bf up to the yard with you and get him interested in ponies a bit? It'd save you some time as you could see him while doing the things that have to be done and maybe even talk him into stuffing a few haynets while you ride which again saves you time so you finish earlier? Also, i know this sounds incredibly stupid but have you tried sub-concious learning as well as the traditional book in hand revision? I didn't do a lot of revison for my sciences GCSE's and did the sub-councious learning and i got A's in them :) maybe worth a try? But don't get rid of the traditional way of revision :)


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19 August 2008
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I wouldn't go with the 'subconscious learning' because (and no offence to anyone!) GCSEs are a piece of cake in comparison to most A-levels. You need to know what you're doing because a lot of it is learning almost by rote then reproducing the same stuff only in different contexts so you have to understand- you can't just blag it!

Anyways, Andy looks fab.

I think, if you're struggling, you need to decide what you want most. Going out is not more important than revision, and riding isn't that important either unless it's your planned career. Therefore, rough Andy off so you're only hacking him and pootling (or chuck him out if you can, which is what's happened with Reg- he's in a field til the end of Jan!) and concentrate on the important stuff. Then once January exams are over and days are getting longer, bring him in and get him fit for the summer. He won't care- Reg is a horse who needs to be ridden 6 times a week properly to keep him going well but is loving his break and looks good off it...


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3 April 2003
South East
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Well done on maintaining his condition and your results!

If you are struggling for time then it would make sense to cut back on the competing a bit - perhaps once every three weeks rather than every weekend. By the time you have got the horse cleaned up and ready, travelled to the show, competed, hung around for the results, got back to the yard and finished horse off, that is most of the day gone. Whereas if you had just done some jumping in the school you would have most of the day left to see boyfriend, revise or whatever. If you cut back on the competing until January exams are over, you can pick it back up for a while, then ease back for the summer exams.
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22 November 2011
Sunny Scotland
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If you have exhausted all other options i'd have another crack at getting your mum to let you share. Let her know that you love your boy and are in no way giving up (after all when she asks you to help with the housework it doesn't mean she's giving up doing it herself :p) but you need to take the stress off a bit for your exams (emphasis on exams not free time with bf/friends ;)) and once the stressfull times are over you can put more time into your boy again. Also if your mum is helping you financially point out that getting a sharer can help with costs too! So in short make a big point about having more time to study = better results (good luck btw!) and having less financial commitment in the run up to xmas! :D


Well-Known Member
12 July 2010
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What is subconscious learning?

I have got a good revision technique sorted, it involves lots of mind maps and flash cards. :p

I would like to rough him off but after badgering my mum for a year to move to a yard with an indoor school so I can ride through the winter she would be pretty annoyed having spent more money on livery fees and not using the facilities. I also use riding as a bit of down time from college and stress so not sure I'd cope without it. I am seeing friends less though, which does suck only once a week now.

Good news, my mum just got back from work and said she thinks a sharer would be a good idea so will hopefully have someone up 2/3 times a week which will be brilliant. Now for the tough job of finding someone suitable! :)

Thanks, I'm very proud with how he's been lately, and my clip this year isn't dreadful which always helps. :)


Well-Known Member
7 March 2011
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Listening to a revison tape on the certain subject while sleeping, relaxing, doing things you enjoy (eg. riding) you don't particulary focus on what you're listening to but it somehow apparently works, i tried it but i dont trust it enough to just do that so i did some normal revision too, i did get good grades and it was in the higher tier gcse's so i guess it worked a bit. What i meant thou is, don't cut down on any revision you're doing anyways, but might be worth a try additionally, since you're not supposed to concentrate on it and you can put it on your ipod so take it everywhere, it isnt taking up anymore time but might, MIGHT help a bit more :) Just an idea :)
PS. Thats good news about the sharing! :)
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Well-Known Member
25 July 2009
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What is subconscious learning?

I have got a good revision technique sorted, it involves lots of mind maps and flash cards. :p

I would like to rough him off but after badgering my mum for a year to move to a yard with an indoor school so I can ride through the winter she would be pretty annoyed having spent more money on livery fees and not using the facilities. I also use riding as a bit of down time from college and stress so not sure I'd cope without it. I am seeing friends less though, which does suck only once a week now.

Good news, my mum just got back from work and said she thinks a sharer would be a good idea so will hopefully have someone up 2/3 times a week which will be brilliant. Now for the tough job of finding someone suitable! :)

Thanks, I'm very proud with how he's been lately, and my clip this year isn't dreadful which always helps. :)

im in the same position. Riding is really important for me or i become near on unbearable with stress and bad concentration. I second cutting down on competing A levels are SO much more work and boyfriend is pretty central in my life so I hardly compete at all in the winter and then riding takes up less time but not gone and i have more time to balance between working and seeing bf. sorry cant be more of a help but good luck he looks fantastic and so happy :D


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16 May 2007
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To start with, I'd cut the revision up a bit by using Andy as a break to clear your head. I used to find 2 hours of solid, hardcore revising was about as much info as my brain could absorb - taking a break and doing something different enabled me to cram more in than steady revision for hours without a rest would do.

So perhaps re-organise a little. Ride before school say twice a week, and lunge or give him the day off on the others so you can get up later. You've still got two good days to do so at weekends. Revise after school every day, with breaks to call your friends and have a chat/go muck out Andy. At weekends, break up your revising with stable chores and riding, then go out in the evening with friends/boyfriend.


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2 September 2010
Cheltenham, England
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Hes happy because his new friend is just amazing!! ;)

on a serious note i think a sharers a good idea if your happy for it and il keep my eye out for you! My friend would share him but i think shed be too big :(


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10 December 2008
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I had 4 horses each ridden for an hour min. with 2 being ridden daily and the other 2 every second day during my a-levels and got pretty good grades which got me to do what i wanted, i had full care of them as they are field kept near my house and i soley looked after them. Time management wise, I would ride 1 or 2 before college or if i had free periods would cycle home ride and then go back and then ride the further 2 after college so having ridden till around 5-6 i would then feed/rug etc dinner and work for 4/5hours straight an hour or more on each subject. Then on weekends would socialise/poopick etc leaving the evenings for revision soley with no interuptions. It worked through my a-levels and GCSEs because i devoted every spare minute i had to them and feel this was the best choice, and feel i have got more out of the time ive spent with the horses than i would have spending those extra few minutes at college.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Well done on maintaining his condition and your results!

If you are struggling for time then it would make sense to cut back on the competing a bit - perhaps once every three weeks rather than every weekend. By the time you have got the horse cleaned up and ready, travelled to the show, competed, hung around for the results, got back to the yard and finished horse off, that is most of the day gone. Whereas if you had just done some jumping in the school you would have most of the day left to see boyfriend, revise or whatever. If you cut back on the competing until January exams are over, you can pick it back up for a while, then ease back for the summer exams.

Really great advice.


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4 June 2006
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The only thing that keeps me going is berocca (actually aldi's cheaper version called energizer). Really helps me stop feeling so tired. Agree with the cutting down competiting though, will really help you fit more things in


Well-Known Member
8 May 2008
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I didnt really compete when I was doing my A levels and degree. I went SJ most weekends in the summer holidays but I didn't take him out at all in the winter, it was too much.

So I would suggest knocking the competing on the head at least until the worst of the winter is over?!

Sharer is a good idea. I never got one of those! I used to ride about twice during the week and then hack at weekends with my horse. 4x a week was fine to keep my horse ticking over and myself sane(!) but gave me time for other things.
Sometimes I would ask my mum to bring in or turn out as well and when at uni he was on assisted DIY so I just went up once a day :).