And now he won't load


Well-Known Member
23 August 2005
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Thanks to people who replied to my lunging post yesterday. Now he definatly won't load
Presumably because we have finally got a lorry. I think that when he was previously used at the riding school they may have had to use a lunge whip behind him - not to hit him with - having it there is usually enough. Yesterday I thought I would take a small journey with him to see what he is like travelling on his own and he refused to go up the ramp - even with the lunge whip waving a bit. SOOOO it looks like its going to be a long job. I spent an hour coaxing him up with a bucket and eventually he did go up after a lot of nearly ups then backing down. The annoying thing is he has spent a lot of his life showing so he must have loaded lots of times - and once he gets to a show he is totally chilled out so its not as if he hates it


13 August 2006
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I'm not being funny here..but would you load into a dark cramped area, with someone waving a lunge whip behind you? I wouldn't!! It doesn't work, it scares them further. Best advice i can give you, is to keep on with the bucket, and do this every day until he/she is happy to go in/out with any fuss, even if you load horse into the box after your ride and feed horse in there, he will eventually associate it with some thing nice. Kepp your voice nice and calm and quiet. good luck on this.


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6 November 2005
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If you have a Dually I would try working with that on the ground first, then progress to asking him to load.

One option, thought it can be time consuming for the first few days, is to give him his tea in there every night. And he'll soon learn that going in isn't a bad thing.

If you open any windows/doors that you can and make it as light as possible that will help. Also check the ramp and floor surfaces are user friendly for him.

My wee lorry has a perspex roof, and is very light inside. I'm sure this is one of the main things that's ment my yearling has been no bother to load.

Good Luck.


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25 March 2006
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i use a be-nice halter and a long lead rope with a dangly thing on the end. I flick the end of the lead rope behind me as we step on the ramp. He now goes straight in without any problems. I think it is the halter that makes the difference rather than the flicking as I have never touched him with the dangly bit. I only use that halter when we are loading so he knows when I put it on that he is going in the lorry.


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19 June 2006
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My horse wouldnt load at first and then i got a pressure halter didnt some ground work at first with him and then tried loading him and now he loads into anything really well with just a name headcollar and lead with no treats


Well-Known Member
23 April 2005
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oh dear - you're not having much luck atm!!

We've had ponies that'll load happily into a trailer but wont go near a wagon (and visa versa)
I've used the dually headcollar with some success but not all - Becci is fantastic at loading bad loaders (not much use to you as we're miles away!! LOL) but she is very patient with them. No pressure and she feeds them every day in the wagon/trailer until they look forward to going on. Then we put them on and close the doors, then we load them and take the to end of track etc.
Open everything up to make it light and airy as possible.

Will he follow your horse onto the wagon??


Well-Known Member
22 November 2005
If he won't walk forwards, make him walk backwards. Walk him backwards for 10 steps, stop, stand him for 3 seconds where he should stand stock still, give his face a rub and tell him he's a good boy then walk him forwards again, if he still won't go up the ramp, repeat. Feeding him in the lorry os also a good idea to make him associate the box with nice things


Well-Known Member
23 August 2005
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Thanks everyone!

The lorry has a perspex roof so it is nice and light inside - and I turned on the interior light. I had planned on putting him in there every day with feed and see how he goes. I am HOPING that he will follow another horse in there but at least it is near the end of the season so that we have all winter to practice going in there on his own.

What with him and his lunging, loading and Bomber's fetlock and sinusitus I feel a bit miserable about horses at the momment