Andurance debut - pleasure ride though


Well-Known Member
2 August 2004
She's behind you... heh heh heh!!!
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The girl I was due to ride with vanished off the face of the earth so I went on my own - VERY brave of me. Sister helped me get boxed and set off and away me and the ginger pony went AND I DIDN'T GET LOST! (there's a first!) and got parked up. First impression - what a friendly group these endurance people are, very nice and chatty and some were admiring the truck and trailer, which is always nice!

Collected my number bib, had a chat with the lady organising it and she said she'd find someone for me to ride round with as it was my first go, and explained the route markings. Went and tacked up and as I got back complete with ginger nag, she asked a lady on a really nice coloured if I could ride with her - she said yes but that she'd be starting off a bit fast as her horse was a bit strong to start with.

She was right! Kind of part woodland track and we were off at a spanking trot and I don't think we stopped! Honestly, they mean business and we were away. Had a nice chat, he was a middleweight cob and very handsome, another home bred. Passed quite a few people. Got overtaken by a real competitor type - you can really spot the professional types!

Anyway, about a third of the way round we got lost. So did a few in front and a few behind. Really tiny track, lots of low branches, drainage ditches (my personal hatred) and logs on the floor. Decided it wasn't right, turned back. Met the organiser as someone had rang her - some gits had removed the markings!

Went back along where we'd originally gone, she agreed that wasn't right, came back again and found the right track and we were away again. Through a few farms and got right up on the top of some hills and RODE THROUGH A WINDFARM. Right under 3 turbines, the what, stem? was say 15 feet away and they didn't turn a hair.

No further problems but that was the longest ever 32km and I'm really paying for it today, I'm aching! But take off the time we were lost and it was about 3.5 hours, and not a lot was walking, mainly trot and canter.

Great fun, hard work, and we survived going solo. Looking fiorward to some more in spring!!!


Well-Known Member
13 September 2006
Well done Coppertop on surviving solo!
You should try TREC

Did you purposely spell endurance "andurance" ?
Or is that an in joke?


Well-Known Member
16 January 2006
Scottish Borders
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Glad you enjoyed it - I've been hooked for years! Also organise rides and have been on the wrong end of the vandal marker-removers. Such a stupid thing to do as people can easily become lost and end up in very unfriendly/dangerous environments.

Hope you have another go soon. People always remark on how friendly endurance riders are, which is nice.