Another first timer


Well-Known Member
9 March 2008
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Hiya, want to take my new horse hunting next season as heard it really helps eventers with their XC. He did a lot of hunting in his first four years in Ireland, and the eventer who brought him over hunted him as well. The thing is - i've never been before because i've never been brave enough! He's not a strong horse but he's a forward horse and he's quite big for me, so what's the best time to start taking him?


Well-Known Member
21 November 2007
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Contact your local hunt, explain your situation and try and get out on some hound exercises. This way you will be able to tell how lit up your horse gets.
A hound exercise, is the last stage in getting the hounds and horses fit before hunting begins.
Cub or autumn hunting happens next. There tends to be more standing round, with short bursts of activity. depends how well your horse will wait around to do this.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
10 June 2008
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Autumn hunting / cub hunting which usually starts when you start seeing stubble in the fields from cut crops late summer. It is usually very early in the morning or in the late afternoon. Its a good opportunity to introduce your horse to hunting then, rather than wait for the season to start. Theres usually not very many people out compared to later so its quieter without the hussle and bussle. Still be prepared to pop over a few jumps to get from field to field, but it won't be fast and frantic. Its usually low key, manes aren't plaited and you just wear a tweed jacket and tie. Stick a green ribbon in your horses tail, this way people will give you more room !
Some hunts are wary of new people as they think they could be antis. Try and find someone who hunts to vouch for you or you might have to join a supporters club. The mfha website will tell you your local hunt and who to contact. Where do you live?


Well-Known Member
9 March 2008
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Thanks, Horse is experienced and i'll jump anything, it's just whether or not I can hold him! Will try and arrange it so I can go out with my instructor.


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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where abouts are you? some areas have hunts that are a bit 'steadier away' than others. For example, the Bilsdale (who i hunt with) have a mixed bag of country, from forestry to moorland and old pasture, whereas the hunt 'nextdoor' the Hurworth have a great deal of pasture and arable land and cover the ground a lot faster, and with more jumping of hedges than we do.

so if you are worried about being able to control your horse look for the steadier hunts, or ask the secretary which day would be suitable for a first timer (horse or rider)

remember a green ribbon if your horse is a first timer or a novice, and a red one if he/she kicks even if it is only when crowded.

over all though.... have fun!


Well-Known Member
9 March 2008
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Thanks. I am going to see what I can do throught the pony club, despite mine being one of the only branches that is not associated with a hunt! It's me that's green! In hindsight I've *touches wood* not had a problem stopping him xc schooling, and I know it's a very different atmosphere but I think we'll be ok, as long as im confident. I need somewhere with big fences though!


Well-Known Member
17 May 2007
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Just make sure you have someone with you who is on control!! :p That way if you are struggling they can go back with you. :)

My horse is big for me and strong, but if they are sensible and thinking strait (which I think yours will if he's been a lot before) then you'll be fine, it's just hard work more than anything else.

It's probably worth going to a steadier meet first with not so much jumping just to see how he is brake wise, if you set off hooning it from the word go he probably will be a bit mental!! think thats where I keep going wrong with my horses! :p

Good luck! :grin:


Well-Known Member
26 April 2008
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I have a pony who i have yet top meet someone who can stop him. Out hunting though we stay at the back with difficulty but as soon as the rest start to slow up he's suddenly the most responsive pony i know.
God i'm gonna miss hunting him, last season was our last he's 12.2 and im 5 ft 6. he can carry me but i get told off by "know it alls" saying he cant take me. HE CAN though i weigh 7 stone 11. :(


Well-Known Member
11 July 2008
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Try an early meet cubbing,sorry, Autumn Hunting, in lincs. Will be an early start, most people still snoring! Generally "sins" are more readily forgiven, and if,when you ring secretary, you explain it's you that's green,she'll look out for you,and possibly get an older hand to guide you. I know Cotts hunt south lincs, Belvoir further up from Rippingale area.
Do you know someone near you that hunts? It's always more fun with a friend.


Well-Known Member
21 May 2008
S. Lincs.
Beth - give me a ring at some point you muppet.
I'm Cotts PC, and we host a meet in Nov/Dec but I'll go with you Autumn Hunting before.
Plus I know I can stop my two :) And Cotts[lincs] = not much jumping. You'll be a ditch pro come next eventing season ;]