Another Grrrr Sellers!


Well-Known Member
1 June 2005
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Why is it so difficult for sellers to be totally honest about the horses they are selling?
Drove for b....y hours to look at a "bombproof horse" yesterday. Waste of a whole day and petrol. And this is by no means the first time. Only to find that this £4,000 horse (not in my opinion worth anything like that money), was so forward going that it was terrifying to a nervous rider like me and also spooked at anything and everything on the roadside sending me out into the middle of the road. I couldn't wait to get off.Do they honestly think you won't notice it's not a quiet, sensible ride? I wouldn't mind but I had asked the owner every conceivable question to reassure me it would be quiet enough and I had explained to her I had had a very bad fall and was very nervous. It's just unbelievable. Apparently her 11 year old child rides it, well I wouldn't put any child of mine on it, I wouldn't have a moments peace. Some of these sellers out there are far worse than second hand car salesman! Just be honest, it's really not that hard! I'm actually convinced that some of these sellers scour the wanted ads (that's how I got to hear about this one) because they can't sell their horse any other way.
Back to the drawing board again, I guess.


Well-Known Member
9 February 2005
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there is no such thing as a "bombproof" horse...

if 4k, in your opinion, is too much, why go in the first place??
as for the "spooking"...what were you doing to prevent this?
were you riding firmly and forwards, or just sitting there??
i'm sure her 11 yr old does ride this animal, some 11 yr olds are way past some adult novices in their ability,

to be honest, i don't think you are ready for horse ownership quite yet, until you have conquered your nervousness, i'd suggest a few more lessons to allay your fears.....

in defence of sellers, some buyers can lead sellers up the garden path with what they perceive as their level of ability...i've had "novices" come to try ponies i am selling, and to be honest, having answered all their questions to the best of my ability, i wouldn't trust half of them to ride a rocking horse, so it works both ways.....

good luck in your search, i'm sure there's one out there somewhere.......


Well-Known Member
1 June 2005
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Hmm thanks for that JM7. Actually there is such a thing as a "bombproof" horse, I own one that is totally bombproof with everythig - unfortunately he is now retiring hence the search and no he's not that quiet because of his age he always has been. I am actually a perfectly capable rider just nervous because of bad experience and am experienced enough to know when a horse is not as described and not worth the money being asked.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
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JM7 that maybe came out a bit harsh, but i do know what you mean, some horses react differently with different riders. I for instance have a fizzy backside so no matter what sort of plod i get on it ends up being a nut case!

Im sure her 11 year old maybe does ride this horse but as it knows her 11 yr old it perhaps trusts her/him, the horse does not know you and if you are feeling a little nervous the horse might take advantage a little or be scared with you.

Dont give up im sure the right horse is just around the corner, there are IMO such things as bomb proof, all be it only 99.9% of the time, after all they only animals and not machines so the odd spook once in a blue moon does not make the horse suddenly un bombproof!

Good luck x


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
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ow and forgot to mention i also think there are probably 50% of people not describing the horse as it actually is, but there are cases as i described above.

Its just a minefield!!


Well-Known Member
2 January 2005
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Have to agree with Claire about the horse playing up coz it didn't know you although thats not really a good start from your point of view!!!

One of our horses was really naughty a while back when being tried out by someone, something that we had never experienced with her before!!! We lost the sale and she has never done it since!! She just took complete advantage of the rider and i have to say i was a little embarassed as she made me look like a lier!!

We have also had a young girl riding her and she has always behaved well.

Horses tend to have a habit of showing you up dont they!!

And i would also like to say that i dont agree there is such a thing as a bombproof horse either. All horses spook every now and then just like us humans jump at things. Its just the way in which they do it and how often they do it that makes the difference i think.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2005
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If you all think there is no such thing as a bombproof horse then I must have the exception to the rule then because there really is NOTHING he ever reacts to and he never has done. There is also an awful lot of people out there claiming to be selling one as well!!!


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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i think your misreading the way we mean our posts come over. There really aren't many if any that will not shy or jump at atleast one thing in there life time, i think by people claiming they have a bombproof horse/pony they mean they are very laid back barely look at a thing and generally never react to anything.
But all were saying is you can not expect an animal to never do it, they are not a programmed machine so just be careful and on your gaurd, other wise if we all brought a bombproof horse there would beno need for hats, back protectors or safety equipment.
Like i said before i hope you find what your looking for its probably just round the corner and as soon as you try it out you'll know its the one!
Good luck x


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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I would class both my horse and my daughter's pony as the sterotypical idea of bombproof. I was very nervous when I bought Patches as I hadn't hacked out much before and she totally looked after me. She isn't fazed by any traffic whether it be a push bike, lorry, tractors with trailers, JCB's, buses or motorbikes. Nothing, not even when someone was shooting in the woods we hacked passed. She's marvellous. However, she will on occasion "jump" at something she's a bird flying out of the hedge or a dog that suddenly barks from behind a gate. Never runs off, never turns or bolts.

Hannah's pony, Tweenie, is even more laid back than Patches out hacking but can be a bit sharp and nappy when schooling. However, Hannah can follow me and Patches down the road absolutely fine. She's worth her weight in terms of that.

At some point, there will always be something that a horse will jump at. We as riders obviously accept that. However, I wouldn't like a horse that rears, spins and runs at the drop of a hat. So to that end I know where you are coming from.

Good luck in finding your special horse. Not all sellers lie and I am sure that if this seller says an 11 year old rides this horse, she means it. We know a young girl who at the age of 11 was competing at eventing. She'd been riding since she was a nipper and being young felt infallable so had no fear.


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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Totally agree with Charmaine. I have driven all over the place looking at horses that turn out to be smaller/older/younger/sharper/lamer(!)/ etc/etc/ than advertised and this is despite asking every question I could think of. On the other side of the coin, when I sold one a few years ago I advertised him as not suitable for a novice as he was rather green and had loads of novicey people phone up! I, too, have a horse I would describe as bomb-proof - so there will be one out there somewhere, don't give up!


Well-Known Member
11 January 2004
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Charmaine, I agree with you that bombproof horses exist (and even if they spook it's like an armchair hopping - you're not going to fall off, my old chap is like that). However, with the best will in the world every one has a different view of what they like and want from a horse "one man's meat is another man's poison" and other cliches! At the end of the day, it's YOUR money and your time looking after the horse and if it doesn't fit the bill for you then (as you did) walk away. When I was looking 2 years ago, I saw far more that weren't as described than ones I liked. Have you looked at ? ( I have no vested interest but the horses seem to be well described and a nice sort and Pasty has a good reputation - I know it's a long way from you but may save you time in the end). Good luck in your search.


Well-Known Member
21 June 2005
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I can put anyone on my horses and they can ride them out by themselves through the heaviest of Central London traffic and the spookiest of things without putting a leg out of place.

It is a matter of finding a horse with the right tempremeant and training it for the job.