Well-Known Member
Following on from the other thread about a yard burglary in Cheshire I just wanted to let people know that my yard at New Mills, High Peak on the border between Derbyshire/ Cheshire/Greater Manchester was hit by thieves last week on the night of the 4th December 2013. Very similar to the other thread in that they totally cleaned us out, including things like feed bins, a £10 Tesco kettle, as well as all the rugs, wheel barrows, yard brushes, even ancient skanky wellies, etc, etc. Simply put you name it they took it. In addition they also took a Landrover Off Roader and a range of small hand tools. The sheer volume of what was taken was staggering. It was clearly a very professional job as they had disabled the security lights, etc and knew exactly where things were so must have been up prior to the burglary even though we had no strange visitors while we were around. Interestingly the incident whilst reported to Derbyshire police hadn't been communicated to Cheshire and Greater Manchester police!! It has now! It would appear that there is somewhat of a pattern to these crimes across these areas. I'm not sure how this can be stopped other than by making all police forces across the region aware that there seems to be a clear pattern along the M56 corridor and everyone being very vigilant and reporting unusual activity. We all think that we don't have anything of much value hanging around in our tack rooms and it is easy to become complacent but I can assure you that in the words of the song.... you don't know what you've got til its gone!