Anti Hunt Activity?

30 January 2013
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It's getting a bit much, isn't it, when people assume that any horse box on the road is out for hunting? I've just been followed several miles by an Anti Hunt lady - who I have to say was very civil - to ask where the hunt was meeting today. Innocent enough question you might think, but for those of us not involved in hunting, does this mean we will be victim of any extreme Anti I once was of the ALF simply because I bought a house that the real targets had lived in 3 years previously?

What a strange world we live in.


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13 October 2009
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How did you know she was anti hunt? not having a poke, honest question.

It was sabs revolting behaviour that made me get off the fence and support fox hunting in the first place. I didn't have an opinion but having unwittingly come across the tail end of a hunt, and been surrounded and yelled at by very very scary looking individuals, I had a rethink. I might also add I had a 12 year child hacking with me and we were both casually dressed, i.e. colourful jackets and chaps, clearly not hunting gear. As a direct result of that thoroughly unpleasant episode, I went off to do my own research.

and came down on the side of hunting.

Stark Dismay

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29 October 2011
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Many antis are not particularly bright sparks. Friends of mine at a local bloodhound pack have suffered significant abuse from anti-hunt people. They tried in vain to explain that they hunted a chap in a pair of running shoes, and that no animals would be hunted. At the very worst, the runner might get slobbered on a bit by the bloodhounds!

Merely the fact that you have a horsebox is like a red rag to a bull with them. Many of them are ignorant of the horsey world, other than to know they don't like it! Remember, the original reason for proposing a ban on hunting has been admitted by Labour to be for political and class reasons, not animal welfare issues.
30 January 2013
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I'm afraid I haven't come down on one side or the other.

It was something the Lady in Question said, can't remember the exact words but she also asked me where the hunt was if I knew...and then proceeded to give me more detail than I expected. Add to that the fact that she followed me home to the middle of a housing estate - hunts don't often meet in suburbia; plus the fact it was 10.55 (our hunt sallies forth at 11.00 apparently) and she was at least 12 miles off track. As I said, she was perfectly civil, just very odd.

Sounds to me from your and your child's experience and other sources I've seen and heard, that civility on all sides wouldn't go amiss.