Any advice re purchasing?


Well-Known Member
28 March 2006
What would you pay for a 14.1hh 7 year old mare who's jumping 1m tracks easily, is a delight to handle, has done a bit of everything and is about to affiliate BSJA?

I've never dabbled with this height before so I don't want to pay over the odds.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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I brought my 148 mare for £3000, she has won money and is a JD currently, she has the scope to jump 1.40 tracks, is good to hack, shoe, partially clip and is a real gentle lady!
She is really sharp against the clock but is a difficult ride.... which is why i think i picked her up for £3000.

Don't know if that helps you at all?
Ow and she was 8 when i brought her a year ago!


Well-Known Member
19 March 2006
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If pony had already affiliated maybe would pay £4000 esp if you could see pony had scope to go further( would try to negotiate price a bit tho ,I am a canny scot after all).Must admit if Iwas looking to do BSJA would really prefer to have jumped at least 1.10 tracks as most ponies I've seen in comps are ok up 1m its usually when you get higher than that probs seem to arise.Also is it full up 1m jumps only say this as I know at our local shows 1mtre is often more like 80/90cm.This is only a personal opinion tho and could be (probably am)totally wrong.
Ponies do seem to be getting good prices right now tho.Agree look around and compare prices to see if fair.


Well-Known Member
14 February 2006
South East
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I dont think your wrong... id say the same about the fact it hasn't done BSJA yet and local shows are not always up to height. I appeared to be getting a bargain with mine, however a year on it's not as clear as that and were having all sorts of problems! Doesnt mean because they have winnings that there going to be perfect anyway.
If she genuinely has the scope, ask them to pop her over a 1.10 combination and see how she copes, if she copes fine id say she's worth it even though theres no proven record, otherwise id negotiate. 14.1-14.2 or going at quite a price if there any good!


Well-Known Member
3 October 2006
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I have a 14.2 NF pony/sports pony who SJ, XC, events, Dresage, hunts, races, WH and shows as well as everything else you can throw at him and he does them all well, often winning. He is 6 yr old, hacks out well, behaves beautifully and if he were for sale (which he's not), I'd be asking for a price of around £5,000 as he could JA easily, although we havent as yet. £4K does seem the going price for a half decent SJ as long as it isnt a fruitcake!