Any one had a vaccination reaction?


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Last year my mare was jabbed in the neck and couldn't eat for three days so now I have them all jabbed in their pecs. (Boobs)

I had two done this morning, one is fine but the other one is going crazy in the stable tonight trying to scratch herself. I have groomed / scratched her, it seems to be around the withers area that it is worst. I have wet her mane and coat in that area, moved the haynet as the wall was wobbling!!!! I put the net in the corner so the walls were more stable! I fly sprayed her too........ She is not normally like this and was fine after her first one (this is her second one as I have just had her two months) so I just wondered if anyone else had come across a reaction like this......I was wondering of a bute might help?????

Peregrine Falcon

Hoping for drier days
1 July 2008
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Not a injection site but my mare had a reaction recently to her flu jab. Lymph nodes and glands behind jaw swollen, lethargic and dull. Off work for two weeks.

Have you reported it to your vet? Sometimes there is a batch that's "dodgy" or causing reactions so worth logging with them as they pass information onto drug company.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Not a injection site but my mare had a reaction recently to her flu jab. Lymph nodes and glands behind jaw swollen, lethargic and dull. Off work for two weeks.

Have you reported it to your vet? Sometimes there is a batch that's "dodgy" or causing reactions so worth logging with them as they pass information onto drug company.

Thank you :) I will ring them in the morning and report it. xx


Well-Known Member
19 August 2012
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Last year my mare was jabbed in the neck and couldn't eat for three days so now I have them all jabbed in their pecs. (Boobs)

I had two done this morning, one is fine but the other one is going crazy in the stable tonight trying to scratch herself. I have groomed / scratched her, it seems to be around the withers area that it is worst. I have wet her mane and coat in that area, moved the haynet as the wall was wobbling!!!! I put the net in the corner so the walls were more stable! I fly sprayed her too........ She is not normally like this and was fine after her first one (this is her second one as I have just had her two months) so I just wondered if anyone else had come across a reaction like this......I was wondering of a bute might help?????

If you use the search box at the top of this page and type in reaction to vaccination there is four pages of threads. Adverse reactions should be reported to the veterinary medical directorate, your vet will need to fill in a yellow card for your horse ,if they have not done so yet. Hope this helps .


Well-Known Member
14 March 2010
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My mare had her flu and tet in the neck for a few years and always looked off afterwards. Eventually it got so bad she couldn't put her head down for days after. The vet wasn't bothered. She had the next one in her quarters and went lame behind. Unfortunately I lost her to unrelated colic after that one so I never got to take it any further - to be honest she was mostly retired so I probably would have just stopped having it done.
I've never heard of an itchy reaction before, though.

You're making me feel worried now as I've just had my own flu jab for the first time in years! ;)