No but we do have one lady on the yard next to us who hates HHO because we whip our horses according to her Monty Roberts forum - and if I hear the name Kelly Marks come out of her mouth once more I might just scream!!!!!
What, other than me? No I reckon I'm the most scarily odd here!
I did get told to kick my horse on the shin if he tried to bite me as he wouldn't associate it with me having done it but would feel the pain and remember not to try again. So we tried it, he turned his head to bite me, I tapped him on the shin, he looked round, saw his friend and charged over and bit him really hard on the quarters - quite obviously saying "And don't try that again!", poor little pony looked at me from the other side of the yard where he'd run to hide saying "What did I do?". I felt so guilty - after I'd picked myself up from where I'd fallen over laughing.
Have a women who does pirelli and she drives everyone mad, shaking plastic bags at her horses and all that.......... Oh and the best is she say's "I know more about horses than any of you", then forgets to get feed in for her horses. OK.......she scares me too, always looks at you funny and constantly brushes her eyebrows........
We have a lady with what must be some form of OCD she takes being particular to another level her horses legs are so white they look radio active, her shavings bed is imaculate she gets down on her hands and knees and gently brushes back a half semi circle shape at the front of her rubber matting, it looks like aliens have landed and created a kind of shavings crop circle, she peels and chops her mares carrots and apples and puts them in little portion sized freezer bags, she changes her numnah after every ride, and dusts her feed bins daily. Shes nice though I think she has a problem I caught her crying one day while she was washing her horses legs, because the mare had rolled.
We have a lady with what must be some form of OCD she takes being particular to another level her horses legs are so white they look radio active, her shavings bed is imaculate she gets down on her hands and knees and gently brushes back a half semi circle shape at the front of her rubber matting, it looks like aliens have landed and created a kind of shavings crop circle, she peels and chops her mares carrots and apples and puts them in little portion sized freezer bags, she changes her numnah after every ride, and dusts her feed bins daily. Shes nice though I think she has a problem I caught her crying one day while she was washing her horses legs, because the mare had rolled.
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by eck!!! I'd run in and mess up her bed on purpose... hee hee...
We have a lady with what must be some form of OCD she takes being particular to another level her horses legs are so white they look radio active, her shavings bed is imaculate she gets down on her hands and knees and gently brushes back a half semi circle shape at the front of her rubber matting, it looks like aliens have landed and created a kind of shavings crop circle, she peels and chops her mares carrots and apples and puts them in little portion sized freezer bags, she changes her numnah after every ride, and dusts her feed bins daily. Shes nice though I think she has a problem I caught her crying one day while she was washing her horses legs, because the mare had rolled.
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by eck!!! I'd run in and mess up her bed on purpose... hee hee...
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haha probably what i'd do too! there a woman at the stables i ride at who washes her muck boots every 10 minutes with the hose, and once she dropped it and got soaked
fell off the straw bales laughing!! and she knows i've been going there fpor over 7 years (shes been there 8) yet she still talks to me as if im 5 and can't lead a blooming pony!!
well when you've got some beast trying to bite your head off as they dont want to be ridden, then i dont lead properly and avoid the mouth lol
Oh yes, heehee, we had 1 (recently left), who used to keep a dustpan & brush outside her mare's box, and used to wash off stable stains with freezing cold water, no matter whatever the weather was doing--depths of Winter etc, nare was a nasty piece of work to boot!!! Other 1 was old woman grrr who whenever she went away on hols would take somebody aside and whisper "if ***** needs to be put-down when we are away would you hold him!!! Oh there are loads of them out there, or the 1 who rode her mare after 2 weeks after a c-section and ruptured her srtitches
, bit of a pontless exercise because she was 1 of the worst horsewoman on God's earth and her poor mare deserved a medal for tolerating her. and also the 1 who was convinced that if she went around at sparrow's fart with a bag of mould bread and fed all the neds in the Yard, then all the horses would love her ! Awwww!!! Thank GOD I just rent 2 boxes in a friend's yard, with 1 other girl who is as loony as I am!
Well me, my Oh and friends on the yard have always said you could write a book on our yard! There is one couple and they treat there pony as if it was a child and he just walks all over them, he is a nasty little bu**er but in their eyes he does no wrong. He had a cough in summer (he was only turned out 5 hours a day) so the rugged him up so he didn't get a chill! There is too much to mention about them they would have their own book! Another woman makes any horse she has unrideable because she scares them silly. One family's horses are forever running around he yard because every horse they have learns they are easy to take the Mickey out off! We find it very amusing every single person on the yard is so different but none of them seem to treat the horses as if they are horses!
Have a women who does pirelli and she drives everyone mad, shaking plastic bags at her horses and all that.......... Oh and the best is she say's "I know more about horses than any of you", then forgets to get feed in for her horses. OK.......she scares me too, always looks at you funny and constantly brushes her eyebrows........
[/ QUOTE ]
Huh!?!?!* is scared*
Everyone on my yard is normal...and thank god for that!
Not anymore they've left!!!!!!! They never ever tied their horse up, use to untack in the middle of the barn in everyones way and leave the horse standing there naked while they tried to hose it off (however cold it was), then wondered why it walked off. They also spent last winter washing the concrete down every night, so there was a big ice patch outside the barn every morning. Arghhhhhhhh. God hope the vacancy doesn't get filled by another freak!!!!!!!!
Ha ha, I love it! We have a few resident oddballs.
One lady who claims to do Novice Dressage but is afraid to ride her horse... she just puts her in the pessoa everyday really loosely and lets her canter round with her nose on the floor. She takes herself soooooooo seriously tho, it is funny
One woman with a lovely natured, slightly overweight cob who is always asking me if a stronger bit will help to get him off the forehand and on the bridle. Poor horse is built for pulling a plow not doing dressage LOL
Then there is the french lesbian who would send me very suggestive and intense text message about how much she loved me every evening (I never replied by the way)... but when I was there she was soooo vile to me that the boss ended up getting rid of her for causing too many rows.
Plus assorted liveries who think draw reins are the solution to teaching a horse flying changes ( but he WONT go on the bridle ), who think hunting once a week is enough exercise for their pony (stabled 24/7), who don't believe in tying horses up but just let the ponies wander round like overgrown dogs...
I love it though, they are all really nice people (except the French girl) - just totally barmy. I'm sure I'm not without my own reputation for craziness. Obsessive tack cleaning springs to mind
i left one yard because of a mad woman who was a raging alcoholic (kept wine in the fridge at the yard and would get stuck into it every lunchtime)..she was very unpredictable, would spend all day there gossiping and telling everybody what they should be doing, but didn't have the nerve to get her own horse in if it was turned out with the herd.
In the end it ground me down and I went off to a private yard
I used to be on a yard with a lady who had all kind of crazy suggestions like... you shouldn't wear perfume at the yard as the horses get 'excited' by it.
God I can't remember some of the other crazy things- we obsessively used to wash our boots with the hose every night (wellies) and get ALL the mud out from the treads, clean dinner bowls obsessively, sweep the tackroom floor (which was carpeted) weekly, wash numnahs and use a clean one every single time. She had all kinds of random things to say.
Currently we have one lady who does NH with her horse but does chores with someone else so she'll turn out the other horse as well- she swings the leadrope round by it's side and in the air and the poor thing has no idea what she is doing. He's never seen NH before!
We have one old dear who mucks out on her hands and knees everyday with her marigolds, then puts spare bedding in one corner and cleans her rubber mats with a mop and bucket! Every day!
Oh and she often (4 - 5 times a week) scrubs his feet inside and out with Hibiscrub then turns him out
I left my last yard because the only other livery turned out to be seriously odd. Had 4 horses of varying sizes, never rode any of them but just did Parelli groundwork, and was scared stiff of my two if she ever had to bring them in. She rarely spoke to me, just sent me texts although we'd see each other almost every day! I felt quite sorry for her as she seemed to have no friends but in the end she started throwing her weight around, making unreasonable demands and telling lies to the YO, so I upped sticks.
im probably the mad one on my yard, i dust and hoover my stable and clean the window and my tack after every ride, and rake my outside gravel perfectly level
There was the one who used to come up at 2am to tell her horses what happened in Eastenders, she also came up with a shotgun, and phoned the police because we rode our horses on the road.
Why do people insist on leading their horses around the estate in a headcollar constantly? They never rode the things.
the one that used to steal stuff and then give it as a present to someone else on the yard
That singles me out as an oddball at my place too!
Apart from me, the oddest has just left. She arrived at the yard with an ex-racehorse with which, she announced to all, she was going to event at advanced level, once she'd overcome the minor problem that she was terrified of cantering and jumping. Hmmmm....