Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
1 December 2008
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Ok, so on Sunday Suni and I have our first ever ODE. She's never been in a show situation on grass before. Although we did have a big rally on grass last night and she coped well. However she is a nappy, sharp and spooky mare. For this reason I ride her in a running martingale. This is mainly because she can throw in some huge rears and massive bucks. Which is a problem because running martingales aren't alowed in dressage. I have a feeling she will probably be feeling stressed about having to leave everyone at the entrance and so try to nap and shove her head in the air.
So the more I think about the more I worry, naturally. So I'm just wondering is there anyway you would suggest I should hold my hands to try and stop her from throwing her head up (I can't think of a way but just incase). Or anything you would suggest, other than keeping her forward.

Thanks for any replies. Sorry if my ramblings make no sense but there is something about stressage that just makes me want to curl up in a little ball and hide in the corner


Well-Known Member
27 June 2007
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Firstly buy yourself some rescue remedy, its my lifesaver! I would get to the ODE in plenty of time and take her for a walk around the showground getting used to all the sights and sounds. If you can have someone on the ground to help that would be good. Try not to worry - she is a connie X she should thrive on the comp atmosphere. Just treat this as it is - your first ODE, so more of a training day than a real competition. Don't put any pressure on yourself and try to enjoy the day.


Well-Known Member
1 December 2008
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I already have rescue remedy! Fantastic stuff and wouldn't be with out it!!
And thanks, I just worry as have had a lot of problems with her (she's quite young) and in situations like this instead of concentrating on how good she's been lately I run through all the terrible things we've been through, not helpful of me