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We have recently bought a small, 11hh pony called Max. He is 3 and lives with my grandparents. They have been having some problems with him, he is super hyper and and really naughty. He would rear and try to climb on top of you if you bend down. My grandparents have said that if he won‘t calm down and stop being so hyper we would have to sell him and I really want to show my family he has potential but i’m not sure how to, I have been looking at how to make a horse calmer but all of the things about that posted on the internet talk about how to calm a horse that’s being ridden. But we aren’t going to ride him anytime soon as he isn’t broken in yet. If you pat him and give him treats, he just does the same and gallops around, we don’t really have a problem with him being energetic, it’s just that he’s super cheeky too. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!