do you mean the white stuff that's mixed into arenas? i've ridden on it at Matt Ryan's, it's lovely stuff. a friend has just had a big arena done with it, only problem is that it does not insulate the sand, unlike some types of rubber, so can freeze solid, so you have to add lots of salt, apparently. also, i'm not sure what it would be like on a very windy exposed site.
If you're talking about arena surface, is it similiar to TurfFloat? If so it's fab to ride on, but very high maintanence and i know someone who took it up just after a year. And as said above, it does blow away very easily.
as above, trouble is, if you're adding rubber anyway, why would you need clopf? sounds like double the money for the same result to me...
i swear by springride rubber shred which is largeish flat pieces which knit together and give stability to the sand. it's a good insulator if you have enough (my last arena with it never froze, this one does a bit, because i have less), very secure to ride on.
at KatB, glad it's not just me that does daft things!!!
Worried1, funnily enough I've got 17 bales of Clopf fibre sitting at the top of the yard waiting to be put on/in my silica sand arena.
Doing the research it seemed to be the best thing about for knitting the sand together so that you ride on top rather than into it. Yes, some rubber does the same but would be more expensive.
I talked to John Bowen who had a silica/rubber surface that was riding deeper than he was happy with, he's had Clopf added and now says it's the best he's ridden on.
So personally, I can't tell you yet but I'm hoping it will go down soon.....just waiting for the weather to clear up a bit and to have enough hands on deck!
(I can't tell you how frustrating it is to have it all sat up there and not on the school!!!
Our sand is good but as with all sand on its own its not ideal.
We would have loved a waxed surface but the cost of starting our new place from scratch meant it was just not an option. If it was a case of replacing an exisiting surface we probably could have done it but we had to go for a complete re-build of an existing arena which was pants!
I asked about rubber in addition to the fibre as I have been told it would stop it freezing in all but the lowest temperatures!
We have bought just under 3 tonnes which is being delivered on Monday - interestingly how big is your arena? They did a site visit so am confident they have the maths right
I am hopeful that they will be able to do it next week as the local farmer is supplying the machinery and at this time of year its idle
Would love yo know how you get on with yours.
Fingers crossed we might just make it to the regionals afterall so might see you then...
Our arena is 20 x 60. 5.4 tonnes I think is what we got.
I'm hoping we don't have too many more frozen days as I just can't afford the rubber as well atm but by next year maybe.
I'm delaying putting in my entry for the regionals as late as poss. Not having a workeable surface means that our schooling has been very hit and miss. Might just go and do the two music classes, we'll see.
How's Puff getting along? Making good progress I hope?
Ours is 23 x 50 but we have rubber so think they have taken that into consideration. At least I hope they have
Puff, LOL!
is doing great (grabs the desk!) Back in light work - walking and slow trot at the moment, vets are back on Tuesday to give him the all clear so hopefully from there we can up his workload slightly.
TBH I am not sure we will make the regionals but we have entered and if we make it - fantastic - if not I am just so pleased that Puff
is still with us and being ridden.
Not sure we will be able to get him out before hand if we do go but are planning on going up the night before so hopefully he should acclimatise overnight!
10 days seems to have done the trick though as now when we turn him out, the head goes down and he munches non-stop so maybe he has learnt his lesson
That's brilliant news re Puff. Ooops, sorry but I just LOVE the nickname
Fingers crossed for the regionals.
According to the blurb we had from MC it was almost half the amount of Clopf if you already had rubber.
I nearly ordered less on the grounds that I might add rubber later but how often does 'might' actually happen and I need the sand to ride well NOW!