Anyone any experiance of hunting in the US - Virginia specifically


Well-Known Member
23 December 2005
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My Aunt lives in the US - near Washington DC, Virginia. She has just spent the weekend in the UK, and planted a seed in my mind.

I am researching a trip to the states, mainly focused around equine things, but I will plan in the odd city bit.

She suggested hunting in Virginia - anyone any ideas how I would go about arranging a day there? I also have family in Boston, and Los Angeles, so any ideas for those areas too?

Rose Folly

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29 June 2010
North East Somerset
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This is a bit of a long shot, but last year, while researching something entirely different and non-horsey, I made contact with a lady called Gretchen Pelham. She is the official (mounted) photographer of the Tennessee Valley Hunt (OK I know it's not Virginia). But a) she is very approachable and b) she hunts with other packs as well. In the absence of anything better I'm sure she would point you in the right direction. Just Google Tennessee VallEy Hunt and her name comes up - some lovely pics to - and there's an email address on the sebsite. Hope you enjoy your US hunting. I envy you!!


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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My Aunt lives in the US - near Washington DC, Virginia. She has just spent the weekend in the UK, and planted a seed in my mind.

I am researching a trip to the states, mainly focused around equine things, but I will plan in the odd city bit.

She suggested hunting in Virginia - anyone any ideas how I would go about arranging a day there? I also have family in Boston, and Los Angeles, so any ideas for those areas too?

Yes, hunted with the Middleburgh. You will find them just outside Middleburg VA.

Everything in and around Middleburgh is associated with foxhunting. The Red Fox Tavern is probably the oldest pub in the US and for example, the local ladies hairdressing salon is called the Houndstooth.

Mainly grass, timber i.e. fields completely fenced with fences that do not look unlike large 'tiger traps'. A few stone walls as well.

From Middleburg (just a stone's thrown from Washington DC) you can gravitate to other hunts such as the Old Dominion.

So far as Boston is concerned you may have to consider Vermont and such as the Green Mountain Hounds

Possibly you may consider venturing over the border into Canada and having a day with the Montreal Hunt

All of which I can highly recommend for somebody from the UK visiting for the first time.

However you had better be absolutely loaded and I mean loaded, hunting anywhere in the States or Canada is not cheap!
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Well-Known Member
23 December 2005
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However you had better be absolutely loaded and I mean loaded, hunting anywhere in the States or Canada is not cheap!

Hmmm I feared that may be the case! I am most certainly not, although I am not considering this trip until 2013 or possibly later, so have ALOT of time to save to make it worthwhile!

Even one days hunting would be super...


14 January 2011
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To make your trip more economical, come in the fall when the hunts in Virginia participate in "Hunt Week". You pay one cap, around $350$, and you can hunt over a two week period. The participating hunts each host a different day. This usually takes place during cubbing (mid to late October).

If you were to cap outside of "Hunt Week" the rates range from $50- 150, depending on the hunt and whether it is a weekend or weekday hunt.

Hope you can make it work!!

Here's a link for a past "Hunt Week" schedule.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Some further words of warning, but not intended to put a dampener on your idea.

American Aunts are always anxious to dangle carrots in front of their British relations, in order to entice them to visit - because it does their ‘street-cred’ good.

Does your aunt hunt – lives in DC just outside in one of the suburbs and has stables in Virginia?

In that case, nodoubt she will mount you and there will be no cost to yourself. Alternatively she has a large circle of friends who will arrange things on her behalf?

On the other hand as American Aunts tend to airily say when they discover that their British relations ride and hunt, "oh we have masses of hunting in Virginia, you must come over". Not appreciating the cost and logistics.

You have said you have until 2013 to amass a 'war-chest'. So make it a big one!

That said, the cost of hireling (for what they are worth) is outrageous, then there are tips to all and sundry in munificence. Coupled to all the social activities. You can’t just go and hunt and think that is it, they will all want to meet you and you will be invited by just about every hunting notable and not so notable.

Presumably you are taking you own kit - might be a weight issue on the plane - possibly.

One thing that gets right up American and Canadian noses is Brits who cannot really afford to hunt.

If you have loads of wonga, doors will open with alacrity.

So, I hope my words are those of caution, not intended to put you off the idea, which is very good, because the more folk who get about and have a look at how things are conducted overseas, the better.

Maybe some American or Canadian will read this and reply with a blistering rebuttal and offer you a whole season hunting free, just to prove me wrong!

Interesting to see if I have struck any cords?
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Well-Known Member
8 November 2010
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A very good friend of ours is the huntsman of the orange county, a short distance from washington dallas airport. He is british and has been in hunt service in england for quite some time before going there. They are a very friendly pack


Well-Known Member
23 December 2005
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My Aunt (Dads sister) is a Brit expat - recently retired senior engineer in an oil company. Her very close friend has a large (and I gather LARGE) equestrian complex.

Like I say, at the moment it is only a thought! As yet, despite my uncle (the other brother) having been in LA since before I was born, Aunt has been out there about 6 years permenantly, if not longer - I can't remember exactly when they went.

Thanks for all the ideas though.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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My Aunt (Dads sister) is a Brit expat - recently retired senior engineer in an oil company. Not wishing to be vulgar about this, but seemingly large bountiful oil co pension. Her very close friend has a large (and I gather LARGE) equestrian complex. Indicates LARGE number of horses, which indicates no problem about being mounted. In which case it would be considered bad manners if they did not mount you at their cost, apart from the incentive of the hunt wanting to be seen to attract goodwill amongst other members of the Barn - we call them yards or liveries - Americans and Canadians call them a Barn. Sounds if they all have a hand on good form and you will be looked after. If she were my aunt, I would be finessing her with all manner of flattery - is she e-mailable and is she on Facebook etc. Make sure you keep her up to date with your hunting and riding activities with masses of pictures – then when it comes to mounting you, they, her friends will know what weight you ride at and your general competence without the Barn having to ask .

Ok I heard that, who said I was a mercenary b......d?

Like I say, at the moment it is only a thought! Don’t make it a thought, make it on ongoing plan, get out their and have a good look round and enjoy what is on offer As yet, despite my uncle (the other brother) having been in LA again not wishing to be vulgar but this smells of serious money since before I was born, Aunt has been out there about 6 years permanently, if not longer - I can't remember exactly when they went.

Thanks for all the ideas though.
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