Just found out my horse who i sold to what i was thought was private buyer... is indeed a dealer
He is up for sale at double the price she paid
and she is falsifiying his age and other details in her ad for him, yes
ive checked it is my horse and im gutted !! I told her i wudnt sell him to a dealer and she gave me a load of blag that he was for her and would get the best care etc, ETC. She also got me to drop his price loads cos i felt she was right owner for him with the UTTER LIES she told and now she's selling him at double the price I AM SHOCKED
Not had this happen to me personally but have heard of this happening before but if she is lying in her advert inform trading standards as they are stiffer restrictions on how horses are described for dealers. Also not sure about this it is certainly an offence for a dealer to pose a private seller so could be the same for buyers.
I have bought a horse from someone I thought was a private seller that turned out to be a dealer!!!
I am not sure that legally there is anything that you can do though
If she is lying about his age then maybe a call to trading standards??? But its sooo easy for anyone to get a new passport for a horse, as many people on HHO have found out
Maybe Trading Standards is your first port of call. If she has lied to you, she has probably lied to other people and will probably lie to prospective buyers of your horse, pretending that she is a private seller rather than a dealer. I recently went to look at a horse for sale from a person who told me they had recently got divorced and the horse had been for the husband to ride etc., etc., All sounded genuine on the phone, but I thought the set up looked dodgy and walked away. On trawling through the horsey ads, I found several that all had the same mobile phone number - for ponies through to horses. She was obviously dealing. Luckily for me I found the perfect horse from a totally genuine person (they still do exist!). It might be worth trying to find out what else she is selling. The only good thing is that, your horse will probably go to a good home if someone is prepared to pay the sort of money she is asking for him.