Anyone else in Africa?


Well-Known Member
10 December 2013
The Gambia
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..and if so, which country?
I'm living in the Gambia (west Africa) & am doing some manic research before buying my first horse here.
Any experiences and advice on how to keep horses healthy in such tough conditions wild be invaluable to me!


Well-Known Member
10 December 2013
The Gambia
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Haha it counts yes. I think south Africa is more developed though am I right? I imagine the horses there eat as well as their UK counterparts?
Maybe you still have helpful tips and experience tho - maybe in terms of insects, natural repellents etc?
(someone suggested feeding neem leaves for example)


Well-Known Member
28 May 2013
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Hi Sarah!

What are you doing in Gambia? I'm in South Africa. I'm sure you'll have the same issues with African Horse Sickness in Gambia. There is a group on Facebook:

It's South Africa based but people have a lot of great advice on natural insect repellents, feeding to boost immune systems, symptoms and treatment.

From my experience buying horses in Africa, pink skin on muzzles and around eyes is troublesome- I had one who'd get sunburned easily. Thoroughbreds are cheap but will cost you long term with hard ground and sparse grazing. Do you know what sort of thing you are looking for?


Well-Known Member
10 December 2013
The Gambia
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Thanks LadyG
My hubby is Gambian, we moved over here from the UK in 2011
Yes sleeping sickness is an issue here too - I will check out that Facebook group thank you!

Yes I will be avoiding pink skin - someone here has a grey and he's always got a scabby face bless him!
As for type I'm not really sure. They don't tend to know the breeds here, although there are a few that I suspect are thoroughbreds (inc the stallion I usually ride)
Most are imported from Senegal next door I think. It's gonna be a few months before I can start searching I think - but I'd like anything over 15hh that is relatively healthy looking.
Most of them are poor doers here tbh - like you said sparse gazing (and expensive hay) so any advice on keeping will be gobbled up lol!


Well-Known Member
10 December 2013
The Gambia
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Hi LadyG! I'm having to pay more than anticipated to get my car sorted so had to put horse shopping in hold - but hopefully not for too long as the prices are going up every week here!

Yeh I know these guys they do great work. They're trying to raise funds to build a centre closer to my area so I'm hoping I can get more involved with them if/when they do (they're currently a 7hour off road adventure away from me lol!)


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7 October 2004
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Hi, I volunteered in Ghana for a year and rode horses there, all the ones I rode where in incredibly good condition (given the the country and state of some of the other livestock). All the horses I saw very skinny/narrowly built and quite fine, however I didn't see anything over 15hh! (and as I'm 6ft I was looking! ;) )

If you want advice or talk to someone about keeping horses in West Africa I suggest you contact the lady who runs 'Green Ranch' near Kumasi (if you google 'Green Ranch Ghana' it comes up). It is a treking centre run by a French lady (married to a local) and her horses all looked really healthy. She is a very nice lady and I'm sure would be happy to chat. (Oh and she does speak good english, not just Ghanaian english ;) )

The other place I rode that had really well looked after horses was the cavalry/parade horses owned by the army and kept at Camp Burma in Accra. The head groom/ stable manager speaks fairly good english and would probably answer questions if you called him. I can get his number if you like. But I'd contact Green Ranch first.

Good luck horse hunting and please post pictures!