I'm guessing it would be in a rear facing 3.5 to prevent horse jumping over? I haven't done it but would also be interested to know how and see pics maybe. I have just got a new youngster and thinking about it for peace of mind.
On reason would be because there are horses who weave while they travel and when they are as big as mine is, it affects the steering of a 7.5 tonner. I never thought of fitting a weave grill though, I'll have a think about that one.
Yes we did it to ours. I've not got pics but can take some for you. As to how.. Well my hubby runs an engineering company so we made our own We had four seperate triangles which we placed on a central bracket with main partition in the middle. They hinge outwards for loading and then you just clip them into place. My hubby did a really brilliant job.
We eventually decided to do the alternative.... We've put a wall up so horses has no chance of going over. Not an easy thing to do in a can van type but it's turned out ok, and I feel much better knowing horse will remain where she is supposed to . She seems to like it too! Another plus side is that my tack doesn't get covered in hay etc now
One of mine weaves constantly in the trailer but I'm not sure there's any way of putting one in a trailer I cross tie him if he's on his own and make sure I always have a haynet when possible but it's a right pain