anyone got a Heather Moffett Fheonix saddle?


Well-Known Member
2 March 2005
West midlands
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Yes, I have one - the dressage model with suberpanel.

I have 2 horses, and my plan was to use it for both. However, it made my HW cob's back really sore so I stopped using it on him. The other horse (SecD) loves it and goes really well in it.

They are very well made, lovely leather, but I understand that some of the saddles have been found to not be symmetrical, so I'd check it well if you buy one. I actually had to return the first saddle I was sent, as the leather started to rub badly, but the replacement is fine, and the customer service was brilliant.

They are nice saddles (the seat does take ages to warm up and soften up when you first get on, though, so I use a hot-water bottle on mine in the winter!).

They are marketed as 'one-size-fits-all' (in fact they are called 'Fhoenix Fits All' saddles) but in my experience, they do not suit all horses.

And they carry a hefty price tag!

Tracey x


Well-Known Member
21 December 2005
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Sorry to hijack the post, but did you have it fitted by one of their agents? I was put off by the hefty charge of over £90 just to come out and show me the saddles. Also can I ask why you chose the suber version rather than the foam panels. And you are right
they sure are expensive - over £1000 I think?


Well-Known Member
13 January 2006
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Me - I use mine on my high withered tb and she goes really well in it - I wouldn't use a treed saddle on her again. My position has imporved dramtically since I bought it and I find it more comfortable than normal saddles. A year after buying it, I've had her back checked by a qualified physio and it couldn't have been better
so I'm really pleased. I've also used it on various other horses and ponies with no problems. Price is stiff but worth it imo!

And I didn't get it fitted. The instructions are pretty self-explanitory and the rep in my area was basically not interested in coming out, so rang up nurseries and they sent me one on trial. I could have sent it back if I didn't like it, but I just kept it


Well-Known Member
5 June 2006
La la land
£90 sounds expensive... unless they're coming a long way and that includes petrol costs.

I've just started having lessons with one of Heather's accredited trainers. She is also a saddle agent and charges £35 for a two hour session with all the different saddles.

However I'm going to try the saddles as part of my next lesson, so the cost is just the usual cost of the lesson. If I like the saddle and my horse does too then I'll very seriously consider investing in one.