Anyone had any problems with Petplan Insurance?


Well-Known Member
4 October 2003
New Forest
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I won't use them due to the exclusions on the policy, I only cover mine for major problems, yet Petplan don't cover for cost of transportation to hospital or for any livery whilst in hospital. NFU do pay transport up to 10% of the vet fees cover and 1/2 the hospital livery. In my case that saved me well over £500.


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3 April 2003
South East
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I have my mare insured with Petplan (not for vets fees though). Would be interested to hear what reasons they gave you for not paying out?


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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I have used them and had absolutely no problems with them paying out.
They did however then proceed to slap extensive exclusions on my policy (unreasonable ones) which was quite a battle to get reduced, although they did eventually.
The high premiums combined with the fact they don't cover hospitalisation fees meant I went with NFU with my current horse and have found them more reasonable.


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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I've heard from several people that they are very keen on slapping exclusion clauses on your policy after a claim. I've been with NFU for years & they have always paid out, I have no exclusion clauses & the majority of people I know are either with them or South Essex. I can only speak as I find.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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I have had the misfortune to have to claim so extensively on my insurance that I must be on Petplan's Christmas card list lol!

It's true what has been said that they don't pay for transport or hospitalisation, which can really add up, but in every other respect I have been totally happy with them. They pay up promptly without any dispute and their helpline is staffed by sympathetic and knowledgeable people, which you really need when the chips are down.

I do now have a general exclusion for legs, which is a bit of a nuisance since that's the usual bit to go wrong, but I'm still with Petplan for both my horses and would recommend them.


Well-Known Member
31 July 2005
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We had a horse drop dead in the field, completley unexpectedly and they refused to pay out. Why because even though we had an insurance policy with them and they had taken all our credit card details, they hadn't taken the money of the card for some reason, compleytly at their end, so they decided the horse wasn't insured.

I really don't like them and would never ever insure with them. We had been with them for years as well had 7 horses on the policy and the one that died was only worth £1k


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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My horse was killed in a (well publicised) arson along with several others.

I was insured with PP.

When I sent in the claim form PP sent a letter back that they required formal veterinary identification that the horse that was dead was mine.

In view of the fact that the claim form clearly stated that the horse had been "burnt to death" this was rather unreasonable.

I took PP letter to my vet (and I was extremely upset about letter and still in shock at the arson). My vet was absolutely fuming and phoned PP immediately and basically told them what he thought of them in no uncertain words.

PP paid up but I immediately cancelled my policy with them for my 2 other ponies and changed to NFU.

I have had no problems with NFU (and ironically no problems with E&L for dog insurance) but I will NEVER EVER EVER again insure anything with PP and I always recommend people to insure elsewhere than PP for the above reason.

Basically IMO PP demonstrated a 'money grubbing' attitude that took no account of the fact that they are insuring animals that are peoples pets and to which they are extremely attached. I've had no similar problems with NFU.

There was an old TV advert for some insurance company or other that said - "we don't make a drama out of a crisis" - well PP doesn't abide by THAT slogan to say the least. Tactless, nasty and horrible has been my experience. Bit out of order for a company that was set up by someone who own(ed) horses and dogs themselves.


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19 July 2006
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Ive been using pet plan for many years and fortunatly not needed to claim yet, im covered for everything but vet fee's.

i have had some interesting dealings though....
last yr i called them to inform them that my pony has reccurent uveitus and would this effect my policy, they immediatly wanted a vets report which i supplied which basically stated that he has reccurrent uveitus and his eyesight will deplete over a period of time and it was impossible to determine when or how long it would take, he stated that the pony was otherwise healthy and sound of mind.
petplan said they would have to reffer it to there underwriters to see if they would continue to insure him.
i recieved a letter and new insurance document with massive exclusions on it and when i read through these he actually was only covered if he just droped dead in the field! he wasnt covered for 3rd party liability, personal accident or anything, how stupid is that!
so i cancelled the policy and opened a new one, and when they asked about any prexistng conditions i said he has reccurrent uveitus and they insured him no problems with 1 exclusion only that he wouldnt be covered for vet's fees relating to that condition(like i was worried not covered for vets fee's anyway)
so why they slapped all those exclusions on the first policy i dont know exactly, and this time they didnt ask for a vets report either.
so im covered either way as ive not withheld any information about him. just bemuses me we had to go through all that palava!!


Well-Known Member
14 September 2006
liverpool uk
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i use petplan although i am considering changing because of the exclusions. they have been really good with paying out vets fees and for physio my latest physio bill is standing me just under 1000. but now not one of her legs is insured even tho the first claim was 4 yrs ago. and what gets me is i have all these exclusions but every time a claim my monthly cover goes up that ridiculous