30 August 2013 #1 L LPequestrian New User Joined 12 May 2011 Messages 4 Visit site As the subject says really where does the freezemark with 6 numbers come from? Any help much appreciated . Thanks
As the subject says really where does the freezemark with 6 numbers come from? Any help much appreciated . Thanks
30 August 2013 #2 C cally6008 Well-Known Member Joined 3 February 2011 Messages 1,485 www.tracingequines.co.uk Sweden, the 5 is an S http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/foru...11-what-kind-of-freezemark-does-my-horse-have
Sweden, the 5 is an S http://www.horseandhound.co.uk/foru...11-what-kind-of-freezemark-does-my-horse-have