Hunting - what's that then!? I doubt we wil be out for at least another week, as snow and ice is still plentiful on our country!
Hope you get back out again soon...
Nope, it is snowing again now as I type. We have been out on foot but no horses. They plan to ride horses on Thurs but it will depend on how much snow we get over night tonight.
What snow is that melting then? Would you mind telling the bank of snow 400 yards long and six feet high between me and the main road that it's supposed to be melting ?? Cheshire or Derbyshire have apparently even lost a snow plough up near the Cat and Fiddle!
Were goin to be on foot tomorro, as was starting to v slowly melt and the roads were better, but now had more snow over night, so not sure now, grrrrrrr this weather is just annoying now!!!!
after 24 hours of drifting we now have 6-10 foot drifts!! cannot even get the tractor out- horses have a 3 foot drift by their boxes, so have to shovel that to turn them out. only 2 gritters left in Ceredigion still in one piece, thanks to inexperienced drivers the others are in different ditches and drifts!! what a state to get in- hunting? forget it for a couple of weeks.
We're basically snow free here in Lincs but not sure if/when we'll be back out hunting. Think the aim is Saturday but there is ice to contend with but it's not too bad today.