anyone use oils as calmers?


Well-Known Member
2 April 2007
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anyone use lavender etc etc that you dilute & add to feed as a calmer?

does it work?

the watcher

Well-Known Member
4 November 2004
in a happy place
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I wouldn't feed it!

I know it works if diluted and sprayed on as a rinse, or as an ingredient in flyspray but I am really not sure that it is safe to feed (and I think it is prohibited for any use in competition, but could be wrong on that one)


Well-Known Member
2 April 2007
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ahh, see i have been told if i dilute it i can add it to feed or water

Frankincense-helps distance the heart and mind from greif and deep sadness. good to use if a horse has lost another horse it was close to. 2-3 drops per 10ml
-Bergamot-Lifts the spirits.(works well with frankincense) 4-5 drops per 10ml
-Rosewood-good antidepressant(strong oil, use spaingly)2 drops per 10ml
-Grapefruit-cleansing, clearing oil. 5 drops per 10ml
-Peppermint Eucalyptus-helps calm the nerves, gets breathing going again if it has become shallow due to nervousness.(use sparingly)3-5 drops per 10ml
-Geranium-a good oil for depression. good for horses on box rest, which are normally active and out and about(use sparingly)1-4 drops per 10ml depending on the temperment of the horse
-Ginger-a good oil to use for nervous exhaustion.1-4 drops per 10ml
-Ylang Ylang-very calming oil that gladdens the heart.1-5 drops per 10ml
-Violet Leaf-use this for a horse that needs 'grounding' or calming(use sparingly)1-3 drops per 10ml depending on the horse
-Vetiver-another grounding and calming oil.1-3 drops per 10ml
-Lavender-soothing and relaxing.up to 5 drops per 10ml
-Roman Chamomile-brilliant for stomach upsets brought on by nerves and anxiety. a very good healing oil for the psyche.up to 5 drops per 10ml
-Jasmine-said to be good for bargy stallions/geldings. does induce a felling of deep relaxation.up to 4 drops per 10ml-can be a very heady oil

to blend these oils use a 10ml bottle. Pour 5ml of the chosen carrier into the bottle, add the drops of oil and the remaining 5ml of the carrier oil. screw the cap on and blend by gently turning the bottle over and over and then rolling it between your palms to warm it. clasp the bottle in your fist until just the top of the neck of the bottle is showing. offer the oil to your horse just below his nostrils about 3 or 4 inches away. if the horse is interested he will move his nostril over the bottle and inhale. if he is not interested it will be vey apparant, he will turn his head away quite pointedly, sometimes they even turn their hind quarters to you. respect this and do not offer again. once you know what oil(s) your horse likes put a squirt of the mixture in either his water bucket or feed once a day.
Hope it works.
that was the mail i got


Well-Known Member
17 February 2005
North Scotland
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Yes you can dilute them and allow the horse to lick from your hand. The key however is letting the Horse choose which oil he wants. Best bet is going through a qualified equine aromatherapist who will do a kinesiology test and recommend the right ones. I've used this girl before and she's very good. Very good follow up. You do need a vets permission now though.