anyones horse had two adjacent molars removed?


Well-Known Member
23 April 2008
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My horse has been increasingly grumpy and agitated over the last 6-8 weeks which is a total change of character. This is the 16.2 that a small 10yr old did young handlers with in a huge class and got third! So I knew something was wrong. So to cut a very long story short, I've just found out she has two adjacent molar teeth fractured. There was a slab fracture that was removed on Friday and by last night she was not a happy bunny. She's now up to 2 danilon twice a day for another 4 days in the hope the nerve dies so the teeth can remain. Now looking v likely both teeth will have to come out. She's only 12! Anyone else have a horse with similar and how do they cope with hay and haylage?


Well-Known Member
22 September 2007
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My boy had one cracked molar, it was split right down the whole length and one piece was jutting out. I knew nothing about it until ED found it on a regular check up.

It was removed in two pieces, six months apart by the ED with my vet in attendance for the first half. The second piece was easy to remove. There is still a small splinter of tooth in the gum but causing no problems. My boy was eating normally within hours. I have the ED out every six months now rather than twelve monthly because
the opposing molar may grow to long.

Was your mares tooth removed through her face? Obviously take longer to heal.

Good luck and I hope your girl feels better soon.