Well-Known Member
Following on from my "Experiences with fishless cycling?" thread.
I currently have a planted 115 litre tank with a group of eleven Puntius titteya, commonly known as Cherry barbs. These include my initial surprise fry that hatched in the secondhand tank I brought home. The barbs frequently spawn; I have yet to discover live fry as they are quick to eat the results.
I also have a planted 63 litre tank that is home to a blue and red male veiltail Betta splendens. I had trouble sourcing the plakat Betta I wanted and ended up bringing one home from the local store. His name is Gable as I happened to be watching Gone with the Wind on the day. He is much improved since coming here; he has coloured up a little and his torn fins, from being kept with male guppies at the store, have grown back. I was new to Bettas before this guy but he is a delight.
So naturally I am currently planning a third tank; this time with the intention of stocking a species of Corydoras and possibly also a shoal of Boraras brigittae. I intend to use sand substrate, Mopani wood for hardscape, and to complete the aquascape with plenty of plants.
As you can tell from the species I keep I have soft water. So many species to choose from and not enough space at present.
I would post pictures in this initial post but unfortunately my phone lost the battle with the tiled bathroom floor and the screen is in smithereens. I intend to post updated tank pictures at a later date.
This is not intended as a thread exclusively about my own tanks and fishes so do feel free to join in with yours.
I currently have a planted 115 litre tank with a group of eleven Puntius titteya, commonly known as Cherry barbs. These include my initial surprise fry that hatched in the secondhand tank I brought home. The barbs frequently spawn; I have yet to discover live fry as they are quick to eat the results.
I also have a planted 63 litre tank that is home to a blue and red male veiltail Betta splendens. I had trouble sourcing the plakat Betta I wanted and ended up bringing one home from the local store. His name is Gable as I happened to be watching Gone with the Wind on the day. He is much improved since coming here; he has coloured up a little and his torn fins, from being kept with male guppies at the store, have grown back. I was new to Bettas before this guy but he is a delight.
So naturally I am currently planning a third tank; this time with the intention of stocking a species of Corydoras and possibly also a shoal of Boraras brigittae. I intend to use sand substrate, Mopani wood for hardscape, and to complete the aquascape with plenty of plants.
As you can tell from the species I keep I have soft water. So many species to choose from and not enough space at present.
I would post pictures in this initial post but unfortunately my phone lost the battle with the tiled bathroom floor and the screen is in smithereens. I intend to post updated tank pictures at a later date.
This is not intended as a thread exclusively about my own tanks and fishes so do feel free to join in with yours.