Arena surface question

I don’t like mondays

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28 December 2020
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Hi, I’ve just found out the arena surface at my yard is only 1-2inches deep (so hard core/concrete, then 1inch of sand/fibre maybe 2inches in places). It sounds really hard when others ride on it so I had a proper look by seeing what was there. I’ve not ridden on it myself as yet (horse has been off games). I’m going to speak to the YO but this is a bit of a deal breaker for me. Am I being a bit OTT or would others want to move over this? Me and my horse usually do riding club activities (for background). Thank you


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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It should be around 5" of sand/fibre in an arena. That is what is recommended for brand new arenas.

Another quote I had for a brand new arena was 125mm with a premixed surface so pretty similar to the 5 inches.

Arena surface is pretty vital for me but I have managed to survive with a less than perfect rubber chip which I hated for 2 years but I was cautious on how I used it. Your arena shouldn't be concrete underneath unless its one used for western riding. Above all the surface should be even and regular in how it performs and this is more important. I hate surfaces which are inconsistent as they lame horses.

I don’t like mondays

Well-Known Member
28 December 2020
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Thanks LEC. It seems even all over but is so thin and hard (mainly sand and not much of it). You can hear the horses footfall (like when the ground is really really hard). It’s not used for Western riding


Well-Known Member
22 July 2007
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I was stuck on a yard (as not many livery yards) that had exactly this. I had to be very careful and limit what I did (had to do a lot of external arena hire). The arena was dangerous (horses slipped over) and dreadful for joints. My horse was always unhappy in that arena. Moved in the end.