Well-Known Member

This afternoon me and Murphy are doing an eventer trial things (dressage, SJ, 'XC' over WH fences) and I am so so so so nervous and actually quite terrified!
I didn't dare go and walk the course yesterday because I knew if I saw it I would talk myself out of doing it

I know I am definitely going to get eliminated - there's just no way I can get Murphy over 23 (23!!!!!! argh!!!) different jumps, it just won't happen.
And I'm panicking that I'll forget my dressage test. And I'll fall off. And Murphy won't load without a big stressful fight. And he'll demolish some of the fences. And we'll get eliminated at the first fence. And I'll fall off in the dressage (which would be mega embarrassing!). And I'll get so hot and bothered trying to persuade him to jump that I'll pass out in the heat.
Oh god.

I'm not jumping until 4:30pm so I have all day to worry about it

Please kick me up the backside and tell me to stop having a breakdown about it and think positive!