Arrrgghhhh! Poor Pusskins

Peregrine Falcon

Hoping for drier days
1 July 2008
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We've just started letting our new girl out for a while to get used to her surroundings after being "shut" in for 4 weeks. I didn't intend for her to "escape" this morning but she got past the boys when they went in to say hello to her. Oh well, I thought, she hasn't been going far and she won't on an empty stomach. 15 mins later I checked on her whereabouts and eldest said she'd raced into their bedroom. I couldn't see her, so ratttled the treat pouch (which is her que to come) but no response. Son said that he'd heard a dog barking and that's when she'd come in.

Found her crouched right under the bed. Got her out to discover she was lame. Got a mark on her off hind. Not sure if she'd been chased and had a near miss with a dog or if she got caught on something. Anyway, visit to the vets just for a once over and we've got some painkillers. Poor little thing.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2014
lost in the wilderness of France
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aww that's always the way isn't it, can't turn your back for 5 minutes......hope she will be ok again soon
one of my fluffies was in the vets yesterday with the biggest abscess on his cheek i've ever seen, it came up so fast i couldn't believe it, had to put him out to drain it and the daft vet shaved all his whiskers off on one side and returned him to me covered in matted blood, honestly i despair, he seems to be ok though , just looks a bit flat on one side minus all his fur!