Arthritic Pony


5 January 2012
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ive had my pony 16 years and he has had a successful Pony club and mounted games career. middle of last season his hock flared up and the vet said it was Arthritis. i retired him from competition and gave him a nice long holiday for the rest of the summer and am currently just hacking out at the weekends...... he gets a couple of hours turnout a day at the moment due to summer fields being shut... after the weather we have had for the last week the winter turnout is now a bog..... im worrid his bored and i doubt he looks forward to going out in that? would it best to long rein him to stretch his legs?

he has also been bare foot for the last 6 months any tips to keep his feet good??

Thanks In Advance xxxx:)


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12 March 2010
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My 31 yr old arthirtic ex polo pony has improved immensly since he started living out 18 months ago. Standing in is really one of the worst things for a horse with arthritis. My vet had said on a number of occasions that the best thing would be for his to be able to have access to a stable/shelter and live out 24/7, and that is what he does now.

I have also found a huge improvement since stopping feeding cereals - my farrier has commented on how much easier the horse is finding having his back feet done. He is now fed on Allen and Page veteran vitality and fast fibre, his condition is great (esp for a 31 yr old TB in the middle of winter!!)

I used bioflow boots on the hind legs overnight, and turnout socks if the weather is very cold as these help keep his legs warm which helps.

I would think he is more likely to be bored standing in a stable then being turned out!


5 January 2012
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His feed on the simple system diet so no cereals and low in sugar....?

In the summer the yard I'm at he goes out all day but winter its limited which is not great for him I admit... I've looked around and found a field but hacking was terrible! All main roads!
Can't seem to find a yard near me with good winter turnout...

His not at the stage where he needs bute but he always has magnets and wraps over night to keep his legs warm and is on a joint supplement....

Maybe while I continue my search for the perfect set up I will get him turned out in mornings and long rein in evenings... So gets legs stretched as much as I can.....


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9 December 2009
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when you refer to joint supps I take it you are talking about Cortaflex etc, when a horse has now got arthritis, a joint supp will not improve the situation, so you need to give something which will help with inflamation which is what causes the stiffness and lameness (if there is any) so try the Devils Claw Root or the No Bute, it is also a lot cheaper than Cortaflex which is only there to try and delay any arthritis in joints taking place.


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10 January 2007
à la ferme
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We have a 24 year old ex 3 day treck horse and a 17 year old ex endurance racer who are both suffering with arthritis. They're both on ArthiAid and you wouldn't know they were both old.

The 24 year old came to us for retirement as she was 'too old' to be ridden. She's the first to ask to go out hacking and has pushed to canter with everyone who rides her. She's thoroughly enjoying being free of pain and stiffness. The farrier didn't notice (any arthritis and he's very sensitive to all our horses little foibles!) any stiffness in her.

Sorry, I'm rambling - it's just that I'm sooo pleased with ArthriAid.

Rose Folly

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29 June 2010
North East Somerset
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I'd be looking for some way to keep your boy out 24/7. It has worked wonders for various arthritics here over the years. That and a good supplement as recommended by others should be a great help to him.