Hi everyone, new here. Just looking for a little advice please. Restarting my horse she is 19. She has been off work 2 years now due to my pregnancy. I started walking and a teeny bit of trotting in the field with her for 10 minutes 3 or 4 times a week, 3 weeks ago. I tried twice, a couple of strides at a canter to see how she felt about it and she skidded to a stop and span violently, I fell off unfortunately. She is wonderful to ride and handle other than that incident and has always been willing with no problems. Vet did a stage 2 yesterday, she failed the pen test with no reaction at all. With the trot up the vet said no apparent lameness however her hind legs are stiff. Vet suspects arthritis in legs and her back. Told me to lunge her to get her fit for four weeks building up the time etc. However, I have heard lunging would be too difficult, make matters worse? I asked the vet if it was cruel to try to restart her given age and arthritis but she said there's nothing cruel about getting her fit? I'm not convinced. I was using a treeless saddle but think il have her fitted for a treed one. Has anyone else a horse with arthritis in the back, is bute just going to cover up a worsening problem? Seems cruel to ride her even in the future with a arthritic back? Thank you in advance x