Arthritis medications


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17 August 2011
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Hi all,
I'm after some advice and to hear other people's experiences. I have a 24 year old thoroughbred x and we have had quite a few issues over the last 12 months. May 2019 she damaged her superficial flexor tendon, this has been successfully treated with shockwave therapy and currently no further problems, however when we looked to begin ridden work around christmas time she was still showing some lameness, the vet scanned the tendon and was happy with it and thought my mare was showing stiffness due to arthritis being off work for so long (she has previously been diagnosed with hind pastern arthritis, so highly likely she has it in other places too), so we began very gently ridden walking. Unfortunately at this point she then got a respiratory virus which put her off work and she got quite run down. If that wasnt bad enough after recovering from that she got a hoof abscess (never had one before in her 24 years) she then had a repeat abscess which affected the hoof bone and she ended up on a month course of antibiotics. Following vet and farrier advice we box rested her (as it was the middle of a very wet winter) and removed all shoes for 6 weeks. We re shoed her and started ridden work again at the beginning of april. However because she had spent so much time on box rest she was very stiff, we started to investigate further and have pinpointed the lameness as a joint lameness in the left fore (same leg as previous tendon injury) likely the coffin, pastern or fetlock joint, as we nerve blocked the lower leg and she improved. Due to covid-19 we were unable to do further investigation (we were going to block each area in parts) and the vet advised to start ridden walking again and see how she improved. Over the last 8 weeks I've been increasing the length of time walking and she has made a significant improvement and she is loving hacking again. The joy on her face to be getting out again is amazing. Now 2 weeks ago she went into the vets for a dental day and whilst there was trotted up and the vet said we can start trot work. So I started doing very gentle trotting, little bursts of a few strides and then walking again and repeating. She starts very stiff and then loosens off, but I feel like we are hitting a bit of a wall as when we trot again the next day she is just as stiff before she eases off. On sunday I rode her as normal but she went quite lame so I brought her home and got the vet out monday morning. The vet thinks she has just agrivated this current grumbling lameness/stiffness and advised danilon and rest till friday and see how she is. I explained I didnt think she is improving enough from the trot work anyway, so thoughts are to firstly settle this initial acute setback and then either we take her into the clinic and pinpoint the exact joint and look at a joint injection or we put her on danilon for 3 or 4 weeks and start the trot work again. The theory being that she will use the joint properly whilst on pain relief which will ease the stiffness and then we will reduce and stop the danilon.

My initial thoughts were to go for the bute trial because we had great success with this method 2 years ago with her hind leg pastern arthritis. And I'd thought theres no point in the extra work up to pinpoint an exact joint If doing the bute trial. But now I'm not so sure, should I take her in to the clinic to investigate which joint and how bad it is? I know joint injections are very commonly used now but i feel a bit apprehensive of her having one because it would be just our current luck to have side effects or an infection ?


Well-Known Member
15 November 2010
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Is she insured? If yes, I'd get in her x rayed so you can pin point the exact location of the arthritis and the severity, you can then discuss the best treatment with your vet.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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On a 24yo I’m afraid I’d assume a more widespread arthritis. Personally I’d use Cartrophen and Danilon, and do regular low impact riding. Trotting only when the horse feels happy and when the ground is good.


Not slacking multitasking
31 December 2008
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I agree with IHW. If you've got one definite point it is worth injecting (have done coffin joint (not successful) and hock (successful) previously on my oldie). Less so if you are talking multiples in an older horse.

I'm not 100% sure whether you are talking two different legs, with the hind pastern arthritis diagnosed previously and the current issue.


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17 August 2011
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I agree with IHW. If you've got one definite point it is worth injecting (have done coffin joint (not successful) and hock (successful) previously on my oldie). Less so if you are talking multiples in an older horse.

I'm not 100% sure whether you are talking two different legs, with the hind pastern arthritis diagnosed previously and the current issue.

She was diagnosed with hind pastern arthritis in 2018 and we resolved the lameness at the time with exercise whilst on danilon. This time shes lame on the left fore, which the vet thinks is arthritis again.


Active Member
17 August 2011
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On a 24yo I’m afraid I’d assume a more widespread arthritis. Personally I’d use Cartrophen and Danilon, and do regular low impact riding. Trotting only when the horse feels happy and when the ground is good.

Ive been reading about cartrophen, although my vet didnt mention it as an option this time. Are you using it? Do they have to stay on it long term?


Active Member
17 August 2011
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Is she insured? If yes, I'd get in her x rayed so you can pin point the exact location of the arthritis and the severity, you can then discuss the best treatment with your vet.

Shes nearly at the end of her insurance but we do have enough time/budget to cover xrays and steroid injection. My only thought was, when she went lame with hind pastern arthritis in 2018 the xrays showed very little as it was in the early/painful stages.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2010
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if you are at the end then I'd take her. Otherwise if you do a bute trial and in a few months are still in the same position then you will have to pay for the xrays. Arthritis can change very quickly.