Well-Known Member
The news that LACS are joining forces with the police and the CPS to wage a war against hunts using ASBOS is deeply disturbing.;more_nodeId1=145789&contentPK=16250512
ASBOS circumvent normal legal procedures. They can be obtained due to behgaviour whose criminality has never been proved. Breaking an ASBO can land you in jail. Essentially they allow the courts to make up criminal law on the spot. An ASBO has been served preventiong someone from going near bridges.
Following the failure of the Hunting Act to stop hunts LACS are now planning to use this highly dubious legal device to attack a minority group.
We are sub contracting law and order to a tiny minority group with an agenda of hatred against a minority.;more_nodeId1=145789&contentPK=16250512
ASBOS circumvent normal legal procedures. They can be obtained due to behgaviour whose criminality has never been proved. Breaking an ASBO can land you in jail. Essentially they allow the courts to make up criminal law on the spot. An ASBO has been served preventiong someone from going near bridges.
Following the failure of the Hunting Act to stop hunts LACS are now planning to use this highly dubious legal device to attack a minority group.
We are sub contracting law and order to a tiny minority group with an agenda of hatred against a minority.