Attention Irish HHOers and everyone needed tracing history on my horse!


Well-Known Member
12 June 2011
The Yard...
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Right I have had my lovely boy for about four months now and my knowledge about what he has done in the past is very minimal, so I really really hope someone on here might be able to help me get in contact with his old owners! He is such a lovely, friendly horse and I would really love to know what he did as a baby! So, here is what I already know:

He was foaled in 2005, Sire and Dam are unrecorded
He is passported with the Irish Horse Register
Full name is Holycross Bertie Boy
Originally thought Holycross related to an ID stallion of this name
However, now seen that passported owner was from Holycross, Co. Waterford, will give name over PM as hesitant to put on here just incase
The vet who did his markings page was Pieter Den Boon, again from Co. Waterford, in Sept 2009.
He came over to England sometime before July 2010, which is when he had his first jab in Fontwell, W. Sussex.
In April 2011 he was at Chessington Equestrian Centre, known at Bertie, and used occasionally for lessons.
He was then sold to me end of July.

I just really want to know what he did over in Ireland, whether hes ever hunted or competed as a 4/5 year old etc. And I figured if anyone can help, its probably you lovely lot! Ive tried searching for his past owner on google, no luck. Tried finding the vet, and found a practice he may have worked for, but this didnt seem to exist online so no contact details.

Any ideas?! I have one creme egg left :D or lettuce for those on a new year diet ;)

be positive

Well-Known Member
9 July 2011
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The vet is still in Ireland, not sure if this will work
If it doesnt work use google, you should be able to send an email that he may forward to the former owners.


Well-Known Member
12 June 2011
The Yard...
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Yep I got on his linkedIn page but without paying a subscription I couldnt email him. When I searched the vet practice they didnt seem to have a website?


Well-Known Member
12 June 2011
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Pieter Den Boon is on Facebook. He's mutual friends with a vetinary assistant I know in Ireland so would imagine there's a good chance it's the vet your looking for. Hopefully he can help you out. Good Luck.

This is fantastic thankyou so much, I have sent him a message!

If you are on Facebook or know someone who is they are on as

Waterford Equine Clinic contact Emma Costello 087 1220963

Oh fab I didnt see this somehow, will get onto this tomorrow!

Thankyou so so much! If someone in the past hasnt loved him as much as I do I will be shocked beyond belief...if he had been mine once I would love to know he is ok and if not will be amazing to find out what breed he actually is!