Attention users of the TPT in Penistone


Well-Known Member
2 September 2004
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I went to a Barnsley Bridleways meeting last night. It was a very interesting meeting, with good and not so good news for local horseriders. The good news is that the railway line south of Penistone is well on its way to being a proper, permanent bridleway, and with improvements to the linking bridleway there will be an off road circular link along the TPT and back along the new bridleway back to Wharncliffe. The not so good news...the resurfacing of the TPT. Sections of it will be tarmac, but for the majority of the way this should be for a 2m wide strip, with a grassed area of a similar width to the other side of the track for horseriders. There was some debate in the meeting as what has been put down so far doesn't seem to match that brief. If anyone has any comments on the new surface over the Barnsley MDC stretch, please send them to