Avonvale Hunt


Well-Known Member
27 May 2004
West Country
I don't know if anyone can help me...

We have recently moved and I got talking to my neighbour last night who told me that the Avonvale Hunt were meeting in the next village on Saturday, but that they always come our way when they meet there.

I was very grateful to my new neighbour letting me know this, as I have heavily in foal mares that I dont want getting excited and running around. Additionally, although I am not anti hunting, I don't want the hunt to cross my land.

I cannot find a website or any contact details for anyone at the Avonvale Hunt. If it wasn't for my neighbour, I would be none the wiser and would have my precious broodmares out at grass on Saturday morning.

Do hunts not notify people when they are meeting in the area? Or is there any way to find out where hunts are meeting and where they are going?


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
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What about getting in contact with your regional CA rep as I am sure they will be pretty helpful and let you know whose boundaries you lie in. I guess if you have only just moved then its a case of them learning that and you getting to know the area/where they go, I guess it can be tricky at first.


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7 August 2006
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If you only have one or two small fields i doubt they'd come across your land, although if they did want to the master shud of sent you a card saying when and where they will be. Also if you new to the address they may not know the old people have moved out.