BAaaaad Day Hunting!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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So went hunting today (first time proper hunting on big lad)
Had my two ring gag in as he is a pig to control in compay. Started off well, didn't walk, jogged but not strong, not keen on standing still which didn't help in the main street of a busy village, but we coped.
Went off, and then did the standing and waiting around bit for an hour or two, accompanied by several trots/canters up and down the road which got progressively worse for me! Discovered that upon application of pressue, BL's response is to violently throw his head in the air if he wants to do something else, not good!

So finally got a gallop, and what happens? But hey, I got socked in the face by horsies neck as he objects to being told NOT to overtake the I have a very sore (and slightly loose!) tooth.
All fine and dandy, got a jump over a couple of logs, then went off again, standing around.
Finally moved towards decent jumping area, only to have to walk over a strand of barbed wire to go through a river.
Several of us not impressed, kind friend hopped off and lead those less impressed ones of us over (just in case!)
Continued on, did a bit of decent jumping, BL being very civil once we started jumping, no problems there. Then face with pole with sheeps wire continueing about 10cm above it, all had to jump and hold breath not to hit it...thankfully noone did.
Continued, on our way back, big gallop. I had just pulled up and a 9yr old boys pony slipped, threw him, trampled him and fell over him.
Not good, he got up then collapsed. So ended up he had a to the bone laceration in his groin area, plus a possible broken pelvis.
So bad end to the day, dad sent him off to the ambulance (not nice hearing the poor kiddie screaming!)
Headed back up the road, trotted a long way then reached the busy village again. At this point, BL had decided he was excited, and every time I touched the reins he was stopping dead and leaning back on his haunches. We were at this time leading horses (not me personally!) as several memebrs had stayed behind to help with the casualty.
So I eneded up with a horse who was either trying to canter off down the road, or rearing, or leaping forwards in the middle of this village.
Finally, deciding to get off before I was thrown off, as I couldn't slow him without him reacting violently, I hopped off and ws dragged back to the box at a very swift jog!
Discovered (as I had suspected) he had bleeding in his mouth, not sure when as he was very light all day but he did pull a few times so...
Then had to wait 20mins for dad to bring the jeep round (had been using it as ambulance to get boy to ambulance) and we were done.
So I have a sore mouth, horsey has a sore mouth, and is refusing to eat, and the poor kiddie who had been terrified all day, i.e. didn't want to be there, is not in the best shape!
Decided I am not taking BL hunting again, and probably not going again as I do NOT like doing wire. But on the bright side, he is going hunting with a friend of ours who is having him while we're skiing, hoping he'll teach him some manners!
Oh, and caught 2 foxes, which I didn't like as they dug one out, and I am still on the fence re: anti or pro!!

And if you got through all that..heres a cookie!


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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And to top it off, sisters mare for kicked THREE times (stupid sister!) and she hasn't checked her at all.
One pony who kicked her was getting very antsy about is behind, and the rider kept pushing it to the front, and swinging its bum into me! I was not amused..


Well-Known Member
28 April 2006
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Aw hun sounds like you didn't have the best of days

Hope you and your boy's mouths are okay, and i really hope the little lad recovers quick and well.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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yes.. I can see the bitless bridle coming out.
It was awful, only nine, asking dad was he going to die..
My dad is a doctor so hopefuly knows what he is talking about, says he should have got away without nicking the artery but didn't do any poking (it wasn't bleeding) just in case.


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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Sounds like a crap day- boxing day perhaps isnt the best day to be having your debut of "proper" hunting on him. Oshk used to do the stuff that you have just explained, I sorted him because I had to, hunting for us is a regular thing through the winter, but I found that the dutch gag is not so good for horses like mine- or yours from the sound of things, perhaps because it isnt a true gag? My horse is much more sociable in an english on the hunt field. As for the wire, im afraid its part and parcel in most country now
Walls,hedgerows and all in between need to be stockproofed, and wire is ample.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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Never had a problem with it before, was all I rode him in the first couple of times I had him, think he would have done similar in any bit, just his way of dealing with things, same as he does on the ground, head straight up. Which is the english?
hmm..would agree, but there were no more than a dozen to 15 people there I don't think, we just may have got a day with more hunting than riding!
Do all hunts jump the wire? Or ask horses to walk over raised strands? I thought they didnt but I am as you can tell, definitely not that clued up!


Well-Known Member
30 November 2005
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IMO all horses react differently hunting to any other equestrian sport forms, tens of horses at speed crossing country is going to get them a little hetted up. The english is the "proper"gag, cheltenham its often called, I find it a lot better as it doesnt bring their heads under themselves as much. 15 mounted on boxing day? Gosh thats a poor do, we had 80+ out with us!
In regardsto wire, now we are trail hunting, ground is walked prior to the day, so much of the wire can be removed for the day, but you have to remember that these fences have to be stockproof if there is stock in, otherwise the hunts risks loosing the permission to hunt across it. I have had to walk over wireon the ground on countless occasions, I supose hunt staff cant go around all days removing bits of wire, which may be there for some reason? You cant really grumble too much about wire, we have lots of it, and the hunts try best to avoid it, but thats never going to be too easy.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
I think that its people quite often who worry alot about their horses reaction, whenthey probably don't appear as bad as they seem to the rider. I was well impressed with lanky boy today, despite getting wound up at the meet (when they went round the field 4 times flat out in front of the foot followers, who were all cheering and whooping) I think he thought he was at Cheltenham! Some people were enjoying themselves despite riding horses that were jogging and bouncing constantly! I hope the little lad is ok


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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aach, I suppose your right about the wire! I know, I thought it was poor! Then again, quite a lot of hunts, only so many riders over here!
I dont mind jogging, its violent head throwing!
Rethinking it, I reckon its the last bit that put a dampner on the whole day, naturally, it wasn't that bad! Some good gallops, I think my main thing was I was comparing it to last year when there was more out, and TBH the field was much better looked after! Only I think 3/4 non usual people out, me, sister and another 1 or 2.


Well-Known Member
30 October 2006
Sorry to hear you had such a pants day.

Personally I dont agree with kids out hunting, its just too manic and ponies do get excited. I feel that they are not old enough to make the decision and parents should think more carefully about the implications. its totally uncontrolled, no boundaries, couldnt let me daughter go for sure, whether the pony was a plod or not!!

Its great if kids get on doing it ok but have seen so many nasty injuries from kids out hunting, I personally dont agree with it.

When they are 16 they are a better age to decide whether they want to risk their neck or not!!

Will probably get flamed now but just giving my bit!!

Poor little sod, hope he is ok.


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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My youngest boy has hunted a couple of times, with me leading him. He won't go out mounted until he can do it all by himself, then I will lead him off my horse.
Stepson had loads of falls - his Mum was obsessive and he was hunting off the lead rein at 5! Too young IMO. He has given up riding altogether now - don't blame him!
Sorry your day (TripleS&H) was a bit rollercoaster, its so hard with bits, what mine goes in nicely at home just doesn't work out there, I'm still searching for the perfect combination of brakes and no rearing!!


Well-Known Member
14 September 2005
North East Suffolk
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I hate wire too. Last time I had to walk over it it flicked up and caught my horse on the leg, narrowly missing an artery. Vet put in 3 staples and told us we had been very lucky. Won't go near wire now.

Agree about trying a cheltenham gag too.


Well-Known Member
12 May 2006
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Good bit suggestions, but he will not be going with me! Instructor will hopefully be taking him out, think he might have ideas of a snaffle (rather him than me!) which horsey doesnt fling his head in the air quite so much in.
I would disagree slightly about kids, although both young children (12ish) were accompanied by VERY pushy parents, boy was yelling at his dad to slow down as he fell off. Competent enough rider, but didn't want to be there.
Other child happy enough, but didn't want to jump some things.
However, was two 14/15yr olds who were perfectly fine.(not accompanied)
Doubt this child will want to do anything again!