Back protector quiery....


Well-Known Member
14 December 2013
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Firstly I'd like to say hello to everyone as you can see I'm new here, I have just come back to horse riding after a long break and being mature I am having lessons to get back into the swing of things.

Now, I have searched and read other threads about BP's however could someone let me know if something like the Racesafe would be okay for hacking out in or would something else be more appropriate, do you have other recomendations.

The reason I am getting a BP is two fold, firstly my husband says he would feel better if I did and secondly I'm not as flexible as I once was, these old bones don't take the punishment as well as they did so any help to cushion and protect can only be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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Welcome back to riding :) I promised OH and family that I'd always wear my BP after I fell and broke my collar bone. A really silly mishap the day after I'd bought said BP. I always wear it hacking now and just as well as I had another fall recently. I use an Aerowear outline . It softens up when you wear it and it's really comfy to wear and I've had no problems with regards to restricting movements or mounting and dismounting. So great decision as far as I'm concerned if you've decided to wear one. Make sure whatever you get fits you properly and allows you full range of movements. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
10 November 2012
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Another vote for the Airowear Outlyne, very comfortable to wear and soft within a few minutes of riding.

I would suggest you go to a local supplier to get properly sized and fitted; but don't be one of those people that uses the shops time and expertise and then goes to buy it online to save a few pounds.


Well-Known Member
14 December 2013
Lost, in ever decreasing circles!
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Another vote for the Airowear Outlyne, very comfortable to wear and soft within a few minutes of riding.

I would suggest you go to a local supplier to get properly sized and fitted; but don't be one of those people that uses the shops time and expertise and then goes to buy it online to save a few pounds.
Nope wouldn't do that when I got my new hat I used a local supplier for fitting and bought it there and then, it's to my benefit to keep the local places in business!just need to check with the local places to see what they have.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2011
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I've been having the same thoughts and recently tried on the Aerowear Outlyne after it was recommended on here by so many people, especially for women with larger chests. I hated it - it was quite bulky and rubbed in several places. They also had the Racesafe, which I found much less bulky and much more comfortable.

In other words, definitely go and try them on first.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2011
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Large in what way? :tongue3:
tbh I don't know, but would assume so.
Also, the Racesafe has lacing at the sides (under the arms down to waist bit) from memory, and the Outlyne had velcro straps which could make it tighter/looser, so there is room for shrinkage/expansion too, I'd think.

Someone else will have better info, I hope!
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Well-Known Member
15 July 2010
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I'm another who didn't get on with the airowear. I tried it as like the above poster it was recommended to me to accommodate my larger bust (G cup). The one I could get done up around the bust was miles too large around my waist and it hit me on the head whenever I moved my arms, I also found it very solid and not flexible. Loads of people love them though so horses for courses!

Try a selection on and see which you get on with the best, easier said than done as most places only stock one or maybe two brands so a bit of travelling about often needed unless you can get to an event that has lots of trade stands and try on a selection there.


Well-Known Member
15 May 2011
west wales
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Hi morag. Welcome . I am a larger lady and wear an aero wear outlyne and love it. Softens up really well. Better to keep it indoors rather than in the tack room to keep it soft for wearing. I have also had the misfortune of taking a tumble whilst out hacking and the landing on a hard road was actually ok. Well cushioned. But like the others say, go try a few before you buy. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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If you have shape, a Kan is great & they last. However, I have just been converted to a racesafe & ibt found it cooler to wear & less restrictive.
Good luck finding one. I always wear mine.

I have shape - just too much of it !! I am in proportion but a size 18. Never used a BP in over 30 years of riding but considering one now in older age and less confidence. I don't fancy going into a saddlers to try them on alongside the twiglet like real riders.


HHOSS Wonder Woman
21 May 2002
West Sussex
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I have shape - just too much of it !! I am in proportion but a size 18. Never used a BP in over 30 years of riding but considering one now in older age and less confidence. I don't fancy going into a saddlers to try them on alongside the twiglet like real riders.

I'm really surprised by this comment AA - you always strike me as a confident and knowledgeable horse-person, so why should your size matter? Being slim doesn't make you a "real rider" - I know plenty of larger ladies who ride well, and plenty of slim ones who don't - and vice versa too!

I am a size 18, and went to my local saddlery shop, they didn't make me feel awkward in the slightest. I knew I wanted a Racesafe one, so she did the measurements and ordered the right size, when I went in to collect it, she ensured it fitted well. No awkwardness or embarrassment involved :)