joey has a bald patch on his face, has had it for about a month. its not scabby and i dont know what started it, think hes been rubbing it. what could it be? any help would be appriciated
He could be rubbing it, Wolfe had a Bold Patch on his neck both sides only in the winter when he was clipped.
To start with I thought it was his rug rubbing, but when I was riding I noticed his reins rubbing on his neck, more so when he got hot, so I put a sheep skin nose band on both sides of my reins to stop them rubbing and it worked!
It could well be something to do with the Bridle rubbing?
its in a strange place, nothing is rubbing it but when i put cream on it, in the morning the cream is all over his leg! dont know what to do, it looks awfull
My mare had a bald patch on her face which was not scabby either but sometimes looked as if she had rubbed it. i asked the vet for advice when he was up for her injections and he said it could be due to dust and mites coming out of hay and to feed off ground. This did help, anytime she has patches on face or neck I put loads of sudocreme on and they go within a couple of days and then put on cornucresince or however you spell it and the hair grows back in!
have you checked for lice, i know it sounds horrid but they are so tiny you would not notice them until the horse is starting to rub, small bald patches. the lice are tiny white moving dots and normally strat in the mane. there are loads of lotions you can pour on.
Sorry if no help but it would be worth a check and if you find anything get one between your nail and squash it, if it cracks t is definately lice