Bandwagon time... question for LACS and Karl....


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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Okay, imagine there are some animals. They are not enclosed. They can go wherever they like. Humans have no control over where they go, no fences, no doors, nothing.

They are fed at the same time every day. However, they do also find their own food naturally. The human based food supply, however, is enough to encourage them into an area owned by a small selection of people for large amounts of time.

So, my dear friends, tell me... what is the difference between LACS' pet deer, and my pet cats?


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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Sounds just like the way we keep our stable cats. I would think that although they do find their own food, they rely on us to an extent that if we stopped feeding them, they would starve.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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Aww, look, the antis can't think up an answer...

I'll help you out a bit... two of my cats are feral, one was actually afraid of humans when he came by, he used to only hang for the food and the bed but decided he liked us more than everyone else who fed him... (except thursday person, whoever they were, he went out every thursday and wasn't back till the weekend... odd things, cats...)

So, I'm feeding two wild cats and they're my pets, what would you call a wild deer if I fed that?


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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did you know that when tame, wild deer can become agressive?

How long before one of LACS pets hurts someone?

It might even be our giles, the amount of flushing he does on Baronsdown!

When are LACS going to admit they're responsible for disease, suffering and causing a danger to the public? When will their group of vigilantes realise they're breaking the law as much as hunts are?

When are they going to tag and register their pet deer?


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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Homer, one of my ferals, was obviously living off takeaways at one point as he still loves the odd curry...
He would then suppliment that by killing and begging old ladies for food.

But, had a human not intervened, he'd have died. His diet left him prone to infections, his teeth were falling out, he was nearly blind with eye infection, and was lame in one leg.

He still has an odd absess type allergy on his lip, and is now missing his second eyelids due to the damage on them by the infection, but he's more than happy just being fat now!

Unless someone had helped him, just being fed by people would have prolonged the inevitable - he'd have died eventually - he just would have died sooner without the extra food.

So when will LACS admit that providing food will prolong the suffering of their pet deer unless they give them the correct medical attention when they need it?

When are LACS going to tag and register their pet deer?


Well-Known Member
19 April 2004
Brussels sprout country
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Sorry, I read that as killing and bagging old ladies for food!

I don't get this whole deer thing. As I understand it, deer numbers need to be controlled. Either, deer do this themselves by fighting or leaving less fit deer to starve to death, or deer from managed herds are culled to keep the numbers level and the fittest deer alive. Did I miss something?


Well-Known Member
31 March 2004
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Deer are truley wild animals in every sense of the word. You get the odd one whos ben bottle fed and thinks hes a goat (most of the time) but put him under stress and he ll revert to being what he was born to be-wild. Your paragon cant work DM, cats and dogs have spent thousands of years benefiting from the human on the table for man and predator, a nice warm fire, the grain harvest saved by cats who in turn are encouraged and tolerated etc. Deer are food, deer are the devestators of the grain, trees etc.LACS are idiots if they think that theyre doing a favour to the deer. Feed them regularly and theyll turn up (daft if they dont) but deer are wild and should be loved for exactly that-they should belong to no one. I agree with the culling of the old and sick but please...not with hounds and long chases. If youre old or sick, would you like to be chased round the block 50 times before you are shot? IF its true that to be hunted humanely you have to be one or the other, please explain the humanity in the chase. Okay everyone over 78, please start running, we will give a half hour start to those of you who suffer from a terminal disease, herpes sufferers will be left for next month. LACS suck but hunters.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! M. Ps, glad youve got your neddy back.xx


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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Thanks Mairi!

Deer are not just wild though, Henryhorn used to have a flock, a farm near where I used to reside had a flock, and every now and again you hear of farmers being gored by miffed stags.

Deer have been used as a source of meat, decoration (how many stately homes had white fallows?) and sport for years, and as such, many enclosures have been built for them.

In the days of Robin Hood, the deer belonged to the landowners and it was illegal to kill them.

So TBH, I actually think that british deer are a lot tamer than people think of them, they've never been truely allowed to be wild, they've always had people in the way.

Look at it this way, I've seen plenty of deer just standing around instead of running in fear... especially in the new forest...

Fearless deer are also highly agressive, I've worked with one, people were banned from entering his enclosure - and he'd still fling himself at the walls if he saw you! Nasty, evil deer!

Also, people assume that cats should act domesticated cos they're cats, but farm cats who have been wild for generations are absolute horrors to keep as pets!! I'd rather have a deer!

TBH now, I think it's just a matter of time till the LACS deer become fearless enough to start attacking. Then, they will all be shot for public safety. LACS have a really warped sense of goodness.

That, or they build bigger fences and keep their public away from their pets...