Barking Intructors


Well-Known Member
20 December 2011
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So what do you guys think about instructors that shout and yell at people?

For example today I was getting yelled at for not shouting canter loud enough but I was acctually shouting it (It really doesnt help that I'm so shy that I probably can't say boo to a goose :( )

anyway then said that she hates when people never listen to her and stuff and then walked off :S

Rant over :L haha


I cant believe I spelt instuctors wrong and posted it -_- lol
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Well-Known Member
15 October 2010
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Erm what sort of lesson was this?
I only ask as it sounds a lot like some of the riding schools I know of. My instructor that I used before I went off to uni used to shout but not in a shouting at you kind of way, mainly so she could be heard but she would be shouting funny stuff normally to make you ride better but not just drill it in to you :cool:.


Well-Known Member
12 August 2006
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I agree with dafthoss, I had an instructor that used to shout, but more to get herself heard, (especially useful during one lesson outdoors in pouring rain and horrendous wind!) However, I did have one instructor who taught me one time as my regular teacher was off sick and at the start of my lesson, (it wasn't even 10 minutes!) had a nice long shout at me for riding like a doll. She was lecturing me for ages on how I need to 'ride' and not 'look' like I'm riding, (at the time I was very conscious that I had a terrible seat and position and worked really hard on making sure I was sitting correctly) and I felt quite demoralised and embarassed by the time she finished - and it wasn't even half way through my one hour private lesson! Even an instructor, who was teaching another private lesson nearby, asked if my teacher was finished as she hadn't stopped talking for 15 minutes! Thankfully I never had another lesson with her again!


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26 February 2008
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Sounds bizarre but depends on the tone of the shout!

Fact is, the guy who I train with most of the time can get very passionate about it - and about my mistakes. So his volume goes up BUT if you listen to what he's saying, it's not actually aggressive and he's very quick to tell you when you're riding well. He is also VERY good at what he does and has brought me and my horse on no end.

On the other hand I spent a long time with a quietly spoken RI who was very pleasant but with whom we stagnated. Now, I'm not saying that it isn't possible to be a good trainer and realtively calm about it, but if the shouting isn't personal as such and actually is a sign that the trainer cares about the results, then personally I don't mind dealing with it.


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15 July 2010
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IMHO shouting is always counter productive. It makes horses and riders tense which is completely opposite to the relaxation you are trying to achieve.


Well-Known Member
8 February 2011
Nr. Boston, Lincs
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One of my old riding instructors used to scream at me if I didn't get on and just do something (whether it was nerves or whatever stopping me).
I used to sit, cry and shudder at the thought of approaching an xc fence after some falls...6months later, much screaming and shouting and swearing on her part and much whimpering on mine...I went round an 85 xc course with a smile on my face scoring 1st :)
I've always found that it helps tbh..but I guess everyone is different :)
I had to change instructors and move 'down' and group because my instructor was just too nice!


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10 August 2010
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I must admit I hate it when instructors shout! It's not a big deal if they shout to be heard but if they just shout as a way of teaching I am totally against it. There are lots of instructors at my livery yard, some with years of experience, but I chose someone who is just training because she doesn't shout and has a positive attitude. If I get shouted at I just get annoyed and stop listening. Also, I have a rescue horse who hates shouty, loud people and will jump three feet in the air if someone is aggressive. So, for me, shouting is TOTALLY counter productive


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25 March 2011
North Dorset
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I instruct and use a voice that carries.
I learned to teach in an outdoor arena with nothing between me and France but a wire fence so you needed to shout most of the time!

However, I am not rude and it is to do with the tone of the voice and I have never thrown my toys out of the pram and stomped away from a lesson.

Often when people are concentrating a loud voice is needed to break through that concentration level.

Teaching indoors is another matter, the voice should carry but there is no need to shout.


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6 October 2011
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I went to a local riding stables for a group lesson and had asked for a hack afterwards. It was a nightmare from start to finish. The one thing that sticks out was when the instructor was screaming at a poor man (who had obviously never been on a horse before) to GO, TROT ON!!! while waving hands ect. He was already practically up the horse in fronts ass but she continued to chase and he horse broke into canter. How that man stayed on I dont know, the horses was stressed and in the middle of the school and his foot had came out stirrup at one side (he was wearing trainers too!). The same instructor told me "no point speaking to the horse as it wont listen to you" while I asked for halt, I always have and always will talk to the horse dont see why not really. We never went the hack. I have now stick to my riding stables with a fab instructor who has brought me though alot. She does shout but its encouragement (not attitude like the other lady) and in an outdoor school I cant always hear unless her raises her voice.


Well-Known Member
28 October 2011
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Hate shouting and hate being shouted at. It's completely counter productive, if I'm shouted at I get frustrated and upset - and obviously my riding deteriorates (as well as my sensitive horses!). An effective instructor shouldn't need to raise their voice in an aggressive manner, there's a difference between speaking loudly to be heard and shouting at someone. In order to get what you're saying accross effectively to someone shouting isn't the way forward, especially when said person is on a horse. I've had a number of instructors who shout aggressively and I have quickly stopped using their services soon after. The instructor you're talking about sounds quite rude! I would have thought she'd be more concerned about your way of riding than how loud you're shouting 'canter' at the horse, especially as voice commands are prohibited in dressage. Is this at a riding school or privately?
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Well-Known Member
26 February 2009
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I hate being shouted at, if someone shouts at me I kind.of shut down and get upset. I a racing yard and learnt to ride racehorses there rather than going the British Racing School like most people. I rode one horse who I always struggled to hold and pull up, it really got me down as no one really helped. I then asked one of the head lads if he could help me out, he told me to do all the things I do when getting ready to go up the gallops. He told me to give him more rein, have a smaller bridge etc .. I did everything he to and the horse went like a dream and pulled up brilliantly, I wad really happy and felt like I could ride :) with someone one day who screamed at me at the top of the gallops saying I messed it up when I hadn't at all, he had! He told me I was useless and called me all sorts of names, said loads of stuff about me behind my back.later on. It really upset me and I shut down and didnt talk to anyone as every time.I tried to tell them what was wrong I ended up in tears :eek: I just don't like being shouted at in general :p


Well-Known Member
20 December 2011
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I hate being shouted at, if someone shouts at me I kind.of shut down and get upset. I a racing yard and learnt to ride racehorses there rather than going the British Racing School like most people. I rode one horse who I always struggled to hold and pull up, it really got me down as no one really helped. I then asked one of the head lads if he could help me out, he told me to do all the things I do when getting ready to go up the gallops. He told me to give him more rein, have a smaller bridge etc .. I did everything he to and the horse went like a dream and pulled up brilliantly, I wad really happy and felt like I could ride :) with someone one day who screamed at me at the top of the gallops saying I messed it up when I hadn't at all, he had! He told me I was useless and called me all sorts of names, said loads of stuff about me behind my back.later on. It really upset me and I shut down and didnt talk to anyone as every time.I tried to tell them what was wrong I ended up in tears :eek: I just don't like being shouted at in general :p

Omg I'm like exactly the same I hate when people shout at me :( haha

Oh and thanks to everyone else who commented I think I wanna try and find a new instructor :L


Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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i ask mine to shout at me :eek:

But my instructor is too good and too nice to shout :)

I wouldnt expect to be shouted at to be scared tho OP.... time to change instructors!


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
W. Yorks
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So what do you guys think about instructors that shout and yell at people?

For example today I was getting yelled at for not shouting canter loud enough but I was acctually shouting it (It really doesnt help that I'm so shy that I probably can't say boo to a goose :( )

anyway then said that she hates when people never listen to her and stuff and then walked off :S

Rant over :L haha


I cant believe I spelt instuctors wrong and posted it -_- lol

Are you training to be an RI yourself?

If not, why are you expected to shout (or even whisper) "canter" in your lesson. Most instructors would expect you to use the leg and seat aids to ask your horse to canter.


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
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Everyone has different preferences, and you will get on much better with some instructors than others, but this particular instructor doesn't sound very professional. In a private lesson an instructor should make some effort to adjust their style of teaching to how the particular horse/rider combo learn best. And, what is more, they should be the 'grown up' of the three of you... horse can't be expected to and you're learning so the instructor has to put their personal feelings to one side to a certain extent.