Well-Known Member
Should hunt followers take up the same stance as IFAW and follow they're 'law abiding' monitors with video cameras, sit outside they're places of work etc.
The advert could read ....
Be our eyes and ears! The Road Traffic Act makes it illegal to do many things whilst driving or being in charge of a vehicle. There are several exemptions, however, but these are clearly and narrowly defined. .Look out for the suspicious activities detailed below,http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1988/Ukpga_19880052_en_1 but remember that they do not count as proof that someone is breaking the law. Also, please remember that to publicly accuse an individual of law-breaking is, if not true, a serious libel.
However, these signs indicate real grounds for concern and should be reported to the police . If you send your concerns to HHO, we can advise you on whether your suspicions are justified or not.
Reporting Suspicious Incidents
If you witness what you believe to be a traffic crime being committed, report it to the police straight away, either by ringing 999 or your local station. Police have a duty to investigate all complaints.