Thank you. We are taking things slowly, the kitten has the spare room unless I am in the same room as them to supervise,then they are together. The staff has a very soft nature but has never lived with a cat before but so far it's working out well.Adorable, and the dog looks very chilled
My Weims are amazing with the cats, but I always monitor very carefully in the early days
We did not mean to get a matching pair. Had a call from cat protection to say they had some confident out going kittens,there were 3 little white fluff balls and Hester kitten came down her ramp straight to the dog so that was it,she was the one!I also have a new kitten at home at the moment, picked up Essy last Saturday. But my old dog Blomma have lived her whole life with cats, from the day she was born. It's the third time Blomma have been through having a new kitten at home, and she was interested but after Essy said No! (by growling and hissing very, very loudly), she's mainly ignoring her.
Essy is now at the stage where she's usually able to see Blomma without even hissing, as long as Blomma doesn't inadvertently move in her direction while being close by, then it's 50-50 if Essy will just hiss, or puff up to a threatening little ball of hissing fur.
But maybe a week or so from now, I might be able to get a picture of them together. If Essy agrees to it. But she also have my other cat Fröjdis to get used to, or rather, charm Fröjdis to like her.
Best of luck with your pair. Was it intentionally that you got a matchy matchy white kitten to your white dog, or was it pure coincidence it just ended up that way?
We did not mean to get a matching pair. Had a call from cat protection to say they had some confident out going kittens,there were 3 little white fluff balls and Hester kitten came down her ramp straight to the dog so that was it,she was the one!
Funnily out of choice white would be my last colour preference for either of them.